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高一英語教案:《Fine Arts》教學設計(4)

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-26 16:17:19

  2. While-reading

  (1) Read the passage quickly and match paintings 1—4 with description in paragraphs A—D in Activity 2 on P32.

  Suggested Answers:

  Picture 1: paragraph C Picture 2: paragraph A

  Picture 3: paragraph D Pictures 4: paragraph B

  (2) Read the first four paragraphs of the article carefully and fill in the tables.

  Name Nationality Style Characteristics

  Pablo Picasso Spanish

  Roy Lichtenstein American

  Qi Baishi Chinese

  Xu Beihong Chinese

  Suggested Answers:

  Name Nationality Style Characteristics

  Pablo Picasso Spanish Cubism different aspects of the object or person showing at the same time

  Roy Lichtenstein American Pop arts showing ordinary 20th century city life

  Qi Baishi Chinese traditional brush drawing in black inks and natural colors

  Xu Beihong Chinese traditional showing reality lovely horses

  (3) Read the passage again and choose the correct answers in Activity 3 on P34.

  Suggested Answers:

 、 A ② B ③ B ④ A ⑤ B ⑥ A

  3. Post reading

  (1) Ask Ss to read paragraph E and F again and find out how to give opinions on something.

  For your reference:

  General information: I’m studying …. / I develop an interest in ….

  Likes: I enjoy …. / I’m crazy about …. / I am fond of …. / I love …. / I really like ….

  Dislikes: I can’t stand …. / I can get tired of ….

  (2) Listen to the tape again and filling the missing words.

  Paragraph A:

  This is a painting by the __①___ artist, Pablo Picasso, __②__ the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern ___③___. Cubist artists painted objects and people, with different ___④__of the object or person showing at the same time.

  Paragraph B:

  This painting by contemporary __⑤__artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) is a world famous ___⑥__ of pop art. Pop art (from the word “popular”) was an important modern art movement that __⑦____ show ordinary twentieth-century city life. For example, it shows things such as ____⑧___ cans and advertisements.

  Paragraph C:

  Qi Baishi (1863—1957), one of China’s greatest painters, __⑨_____ the traditional Chinese style of painting. Chinese painting ____⑩____ its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours. Qi baishi the world of nature very carefully, and his paintings are

  because of this.

  Paragraph D:

  Xu Beihong (1895—1953) was one of China’s twentieth-century artists. Like Qi Baishi, Xu painted in the traditional Chinese style. Both painters have a beautiful brush . Xu Beihong because of this. that artists should show , but not just it. Instead, a picture should try to show the “life” of its subject. He is most famous for his paintings of horses.

  Paragraph E:

  I’m studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can looking at pictures . I the paintings of Qi Baishi, and this picture of the little shrimps is such a lovely example of his work. But I that picture of a golden-haired girl. I think it’s stupid.

  Paragraph F:

  My parents going to art galleries and often take me with them, so I’ve art. I must say, I love that picture of the six horses. They look so . It’s by a Chinese artist, isn’t it? I can the style. I think the painting of the young girl is probably by Picasso. I really like him. I think he’s an artist.

  Suggested Answers:

  ① Spanish ②considered to be ③ art movement ④ aspects ⑤ American ⑥ example ⑦ aimed to ⑧ soup ⑨followed ⑩ is known for

  observed special

  best-known line believed reality

  imitate lively get tired of all the time

  am crazy about delightful can’t stand are fond of

  developed an interest in alive tell by extraordinary





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