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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高一英語教案 > 高一英語教案:《Fine Arts》教學(xué)設(shè)計(2)







高一英語教案:《Fine Arts》教學(xué)設(shè)計(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-26 16:17:19

  2. Pair Work

  Let Ss think more expressions about giving opinions.

  For your reference:

  I think /believe… / In my opinion,…

  I like / love /enjoy…

  I really like / appreciate… I’m crazy / mad about…

  I can’t stand …

  I’m interested in …

  I want / would like / prefer …

  …is great / wonderful / colourful / delightful / amazing / amusing!

  …is awful / dreadful / terrible / ugly!

  3. (Group Work) Ask Ss to look at the pictures on the screen, and try to use the expressions they just learnt to express their opinions. Say which one they prefer and what they think of the pictures.

  Step 3. Cultural Corner

  Purpose: To enable Ss to know something about Pablo Picasso.

  1. Pair Work

  Show Ss a picture and ask them some questions in order to arouse their interest.

  Q1. What do you think of this picture?

  Q2. Do you know who painted it? (Pablo Picasso)

  2. (Individual Work) Ask Ss to read the passage and decide whether the statements true (T) or false (F).

  (1) Picasso was born in Germany.

  (2) From 1902 to 1904 he painted a series of pictures in green, so this period was known as Picasso’s blue period.

  (3) With another artist called George Braque, he started a new important art movement called Cubism.

  (4) Picasso’s greatest Cubist painting is about a city called Guernica.

  (5) Picasso didn’t show his feelings about what had happened in his pictures.

  Suggested Answers:

  (1) F. Picasso was born in Spain.

  (2) F. From 1902-1904 he painted a series of pictures in blue, so this period was known as Picasso’s “blue period”.

  (3) T.

  (4) T.

  (5) F. Picasso did show his feelings about what had happened in his pictures.

  3. (Pair Work) Ask Ss to read the passage again and try to retell the life of Picasso.

  Suggested Answers:

  (1) He had his first exhibition at the age of 16.

  (2) Picasso’s blue period was from the 1902-1904, when he painted a series of pictures where the main color was blue. These pictures mainly showed poor, unhappy people.

  (3) From 1904 to 1906 Picasso painted much happier pictures in the colour pink. This period was known as Picasso’s “pink period”.

  (4) With another Spanish artist called George Braque, Picasso then started an important new artistic movement called Cubism. His first Cubist paintings were all painted in brown and grey. The picture Guernica is the greatest Cubist painting of him.






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