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高一英語教案:《新教材Unit 3》教學設計

來源:網(wǎng)絡整理 2018-11-26 15:58:09

高一英語教案:《新教材Unit 3》教學設計

  Aims:1. To enable the students to use the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

  2. To enable the students to learn useful expressions of good wishes.

  Aids: tape recorder


  Step I. Listen to the dialogue and ask the students to get useful information

  1. Choose the best answers they hear on the tape.

  Betty are off to Guangzhou next Thursday evening. Her brother Bob _____ Betty. Her plane _____ at seven, so they _____ a taxi. And Jane _____ to Xi’an with her parents on Friday. She _____ there by air too.

  a. is getting b. is seeing off c. will take d. leaves e. is going

  2. Ask the students to listen to the tape once more with the questions and sum up functional sentences.

  Q: What did Jane say to Betty when she expresses her good wishes? And what did Betty answer?

  Expressing wishes: Have a nice/good/pleasant/safe trip/journey

  Good luck

  Have a nice/good time in…

  Enjoy your holiday

  The same to you.

  Greeting others: Say “Hi/Hello” to … from me.

  Give my love/ regards/ best wishes to your…

  Sends his/her best wishes/ love to…

  Step II. Read the dialogue and underline the verbs that express future.

  are going

  are getting there

  They are talking about their travel plans (express future) are seeing off


  will take

  Step III. Sum up the usage of the Present Continuous Tense for future actions.

  a. Ask the students to fill in the blanks.

  Lily _____ (leave) for London tomorrow.

  will leave

  is going to leave

  is leaving

  b. Sum up the special verbs for future actions:

  leave, go, come, see off, get

  Step IV. Practice the tenses of verbs and functional sentences.

  1. Do the Ex 2. on workbook.

  Work in pairs. Ask each other the questions and write the answers in the chart.

  2. Make a short dialogue by using the information given in the chart, verbs in present continuous tense and given expressions of good wishes.

  3. Ask several groups to present their dialogue.

  4. Do a competition to practice using different tenses in different situation. The students who complete a whole sentence correctly will get a candy as a prize.

  a. go fishing, bike, tomorrow

  b. arrive, Shanghai, air, yesterday

  c. see…off, this afternoon.

  d. when, come, see, today

  e. take part in, sports meeting, in October

  meet, station, last month





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