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來源:高考英語網(wǎng) 2009-09-04 17:15:11

[標簽:高考 閱讀 英語]



  In the course of working my way through school, I took many jobs I would rather forget. But none of these jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant. The work was hard; the pay was poor; and, most of all, the working conditions were terrible.

  ◎What is the subject discussed in the text?

  A. The writer’s unhappy school life

  B. The writer’s eagerness to earn money

  C. The writer’s experience as a full-time worker

  D. The writer’s hard work in an apple plant

  原文共有五個自然段,上面摘錄的只是文章的第1個自然段,但是如果考生訓(xùn)練有素的話,只要讀完這個段落就可猜出此題的答案了。因為文章第一句說In the course of working my way through school, I took many jobs I would rather forget,接著作者用but引出一個新的情況(即主題句):none of these jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant. 再接下來又說:The work was hard; the pay was poor; and, most of all, the working conditions were terrible. 聰明的讀者至此應(yīng)該可以猜測到,下面的幾個段落肯定是介紹這個apple plant 的work是如何的hard,它的pay是如何的poor,它的working conditions 是如何的terrible 等。比較四個選項,只有選項D所表述內(nèi)容合乎上面的分析,故選D。



  Tuition Fees(學(xué)費)

  Tuition fees are different from department to department, generally from $5,000 to $6,000 a year. For further information: tui@waikato.ac.nz


  You can have a room in a 4-bedrcom flat, which will cost about $100 a month with other regular living costs of about $150 a month for one person. For further information: ave@walkato.ac.nz

  ◎You have to pay at least ______ a year if you study at the University of Waikato.

  A. $5,250              B. $8,000              C. $9,000             D. $11,000

  根據(jù)Tuition fees一節(jié)的內(nèi)容可知,一年的學(xué)費最低為5,000美元,再根據(jù)Accommodation(住宿)一節(jié)可知,除學(xué)費外,還有住宿費(每月100美元)和生活費(每月150美元),即一年大約共3,000美元,所以在WaiKato大學(xué)讀書一年至少要花費5,000+3,000=8,000美元,故答案為B。



  Many creative thinkers state that they have completely devoted themselves to the subject matter of the problem, often over fairly long periods of time. Indeed, it would be strange if they had not done this. Nothing in such statements supports the idea that there is anything very different about the problem solving that leads to discoveries of the great contributions to the society. The act of discovery, even in the relatively predictable(可以預(yù)見的) sense that it occurs in everyday learning, involves(涉及) a “sudden insight” which changes the problem situation into a solution situation. As we have seen, everyday discovery also requires that the learner have the knowledge of the rules gained in the past, which is involved in the solution.

  ◎What does the underlined word “this” refer to?

  A. Great contributions to the society.

  B. Long-time study of the subject matter.

  C. Various statements about problem solving.

  D. Complete devotion to artistic creation.

  此題答案選B。答案的直接依據(jù)是文章中的Many creative thinkers state that they have completely devoted themselves to the subject matter of the problem, often over fairly long periods of time. Indeed, it would be strange if they had not done this 這兩句話。從句意和句子結(jié)構(gòu)上看,this在此指代的應(yīng)是they have completely devoted themselves to the subject matter of the problem, often over fairly long periods of time,比較四個選項,只有B與之吻合,因為選項中的long-time與原文中的over fairly long periods of time屬同義表達,選項中的study of the subject matter 與原文中的devoted themselves to the subject matter of the problem屬同義表達。



  More American people take their troubles with them on holiday, according to a new survey. Although 40 percent said that the main reason for going away is to escape pressure(壓力) from work, almost all said they worry more than they do at home. Only four in every 100 said that they are happy and free of care.

  ◎The underlined word “survey” in the first paragraph most probably means ______.

  A. research              B. review             C. exhibition           D. examination




  Now the task I face in harvesting the fruit is twofold: First, I have to find the red ones among the leaves, which means I almost have to stand on my head, and once found I have to reach down and under, pick the tomatoes and withdraw(縮回) my full fist without dropping the prize so dearly won. I found two full-blown white roses completely hidden as I picked tomatoes in June, but they were weak and the leaves already yellow for lack of light.

  ◎By saying “the prize so dearly won” in paragraph 5, the writer wants to ______.

  A. show the difficulty in picking the tomatoes

  B. show the hardship of growing the roses

  C. express her liking for the roses

  D. express her care for the tomatoes


  此題要求考生推測作者說the prize so dearly won的意圖,屬推理判斷題。此題答案選A,其推理依據(jù)主要有以下幾點:一是作者在第1句用了 the task一詞,將摘西紅柿看成是一項“任務(wù)”;二是作者在三個地方用了have to,表示摘西紅柿不容易;三是作者還用了stand on my head, reach down and under…等夸張性用詞,充分說明了摘西紅柿的難度。比較四個選項,顯然只有選項A最佳。


  Maybe ten-year-old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father. “But, Dad, you can’t be healthy if you’re dead.”

  Dad, in a hurry to get home before dark so he could go for a run, had forgotten to wear his safety belt—a mistake 75% of the US population make every day. The big question is why.

  ◎Why did Elizabeth say to her father, “But, Dad, you can’t be healthy if you’re dead?

  A. He was driving at great speed.

  B. He was running across the street.

  C. He didn’t have his safety belt on.

  D. He didn’t take his medicine on time.

  10歲的女兒對父親說:“爸爸,你若死了,也就不可能健康了。”女兒為什么這樣說呢?下文告訴我們:父親匆匆忙忙在天黑之前開車趕回家,以便跑步鍛煉身體,但卻在開車回家時忘記系安全帶。顯然女兒是在責(zé)備父親未系安全帶開車,由此可推知答案應(yīng)選 C。






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