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  1. stretch    v. 伸展, 延伸, 持續(xù)     n 伸展, 彈性, 一段時(shí)間

  adj. 可伸縮的, 彈性的

  如: Make sure that the rope is stretched tight.  務(wù)必要把繩子拉緊。

  如:  The exercises are designed to stretch and tone your leg muscles.


  如: The town’s history stretches back to before 1500.


  stretch your legs 散散步

  如: an particularly dangerous stretch of road. 特別危險(xiǎn)的路段

  如: The influx of refugees has stretched the country’s resources to the limit.


  如: I need a job that will stretch me.


  2. approach    v. 接近,靠近,走近     n. 方法, 途徑

  approach sb about / for sth

  如: Winter is approaching. 冬天就要來臨、

  如:  She approached the bank for a loan. 她向銀行申請(qǐng)貸款。

  如:  Few writers approach his richness of language. 他語(yǔ)言之豐富很少有作家望其項(xiàng)背。

  如: What’s the best way of approaching this problem? 什么是處理這個(gè)問題的最佳方式?

  如: adopt a different approach to discipline. 采取另一種方式解決紀(jì)律問題。

  如: the approach of spring 春天的來臨

  如: a new approach to road to the port 去港口的一條新路

  3. sense   n. 感覺,意識(shí),觀念,理性

  vt. 感到, 理解, 領(lǐng)會(huì)

  如: Dogs have a keen (strong) sense of smell. 狗的嗅覺很靈敏。

  如: He felt an overwhelming sense of loss. 他感到非常失落。

  如: a good sense of direction 方向感很強(qiáng)

  如: a sense of rhythm 節(jié)奏感

  如: in a/some sense 在某種、一定意義上

  make sense  有道理,有意義, 講得通


  如: It makes senses to buy the most up-to-date version.


  make sense of sth  理解, 弄懂

  如: equipment that senses the presence of toxic gases 檢測(cè)有毒氣體的設(shè)備

  4. essential      adj. 必要的, 本質(zhì)的,基本的,精華的

  n. 必需品, 基本要素, 必不可少的東西

  如: be essential to sth

  如: The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water.


  如: the essential of English grammar 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)法基礎(chǔ)

  5. as sb put it  正如某人所說的

  6. senior    adj 資深的,年長(zhǎng)的, 較高的

  n. 上級(jí), 地位較高的

  be senior to sb

  如: a senior officer 高級(jí)軍官

  如: high school seniors 高中畢業(yè)班學(xué)生

  反義詞  junior 低級(jí)的

  7. individualize    v. 賦予個(gè)性, 個(gè)別地加以考慮

  如: to individualize children’s learning 對(duì)兒童因材施教

  8. advocate   vt. 提倡, 鼓吹, 擁護(hù), 為…辯護(hù)

  n. 提倡者, 支持者(for, of sth)

  如: Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behavior.


  如: an advocate for hospital workers 醫(yī)院工作人員的支持者

  9. signal     n. 信號(hào), 征象   vi. 發(fā)信號(hào)  vt. 向…..發(fā)信號(hào); 用動(dòng)作示意

  adj. 顯著的,暗號(hào)的

  如: a danger/ warning / distress signal   危險(xiǎn)、警告、 求救等信號(hào)

  如: hand signal 示意手勢(shì)

  如: traffic signals 交通信號(hào)燈

  如:  This announcement signaled a clear change of policy.


  如: a signal honour 極大的榮譽(yù)

  signally      adv. 顯然地

  10. slight     adj. 微小的, 細(xì)小的(slighter , slightest)    n. 輕蔑, 忽視    vt. 忽視

  如: a slight increase / change / difference  略微的增長(zhǎng)/ 變化/ 差異

  如: She takes offence at the slightest thing. 她動(dòng)輒生氣

  如: a slight woman 瘦小的女子

  如: not in the slightest=not at all 一點(diǎn)也不

  如: She felt slighted because she hadn’t been invited. 她沒收到邀請(qǐng),覺得收到了冷落。

  11. digest       v. 消化,整理

  vt. 吸收, 領(lǐng)悟

  n. 文摘, 摘要

  如: Humans cannot digest plants such as grass. 人不能消化草類植物。

  如: He paused, waiting for her to digest the information.


  如: a monthly news digest 每月新聞?wù)?br />
  12. encounter    v. 遭遇, 對(duì)抗,碰見  n 相遇, 碰見, 沖突

  如: We encountered a number of difficulties in the first week.


  如: The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin.


  如:  She has beaten her opponent in all of her previous encounters.


  12.   virtually    adv. 無(wú)形中, 實(shí)際上, 實(shí)質(zhì)上, 事實(shí)上,幾乎

  如:  to be virtually impossible 幾乎是不可能的

  如:  This year’s results are virtually the same as last year.


  virtual       adj. 實(shí)質(zhì)上的,事實(shí)上的, 虛擬的

  13.  instructive        adj. 有益的, 教育性的

  如: a most instructive experience 獲益良多的經(jīng)歷

  如: It is instructive to see how other countries are tacking the problem.


  14. release    vt. 釋放, 發(fā)布, 發(fā)行,   n. 釋放, 排放,解除

  如: to release a prisoner 釋放囚犯

  如:  She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions.


  如: The new law released employers from their obligation to recognize unions.


  如: release the tension 放松

  如: to release a movie  發(fā)行電影

  如: the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere 二氧化碳向大氣層的排放

  15.  lie in  躺在, 在于

  16. by no means 決不,一點(diǎn)也不

  17.  save    v.  保留, 節(jié)省, 挽救   n. 救援

  如: save sb /sth/ from sth 挽救

  如: save for s new bike 攢錢買輛新車

  如: I‘ve been saving theatre programmes for years.


  如:  save me some food 給我留點(diǎn)吃的

  18. remark    n. 話語(yǔ), 注意,觀察, 評(píng)論

  v. 評(píng)論, 覺察

  如: make a remark 發(fā)表評(píng)論

  如: The judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.


  如: The similarities between the two have often been remarked on.


  remarkable     adj. 顯著的, 卓越的額, 引人矚目的, 非凡的

  如: a remarkable achievement  非凡的成績(jī)

  19. intense    adj. 熱情的,強(qiáng)烈的,緊張的, 熱情的

  如: intense competition  激烈的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)

  如: an intense look 熱情的神情

  如: be intense about everything 對(duì)一切都很熱心

  intensity      n. 強(qiáng)度, 強(qiáng)烈

  如: intensity of light  光的強(qiáng)度

  如: intensity of concentration 高度精神集中

  如: varying intensities of natural light 自然光不斷變化的強(qiáng)度

  20. get rid of  擺脫

  21. dismiss     vt. 解雇, 遣散, 解散    拒絕受理

  如: I think we can safely dismiss their objections.


  如: He dismissed her from his mind.


  如: She claimed she was unfairly dismissed from her post.


  22. at the expense of 以…為代價(jià)

  23. harmonious      adj. 協(xié)調(diào)的,和諧的,融洽的

  harmony         n.融洽, 和睦

  be in harmony with sth 與…協(xié)調(diào)


  1.  world-class 世界級(jí)的,國(guó)際水平的

  2. constantly  adv 持續(xù)不斷的

  3. precisely     adv. 準(zhǔn)確地

  4. comfort zone.   舒適區(qū)

  5. superficial    adj. 表面上的,膚淺的, 缺乏深度的

  6. consequence     n. 推論,結(jié)果,后果,重要性

  7. supposedly      adv. 據(jù)稱, 據(jù)認(rèn)為, 據(jù)推測(cè), 一般相信

  8. inseparable     adj. 不可分的, 不能分離的

  9. digital devices   數(shù)碼設(shè)備

  10. set sth apart  分開,隔離開

  11. distinguish   v 區(qū)分, 辨別, 分清,辨別是非

  12. portability       n. 可攜帶, 輕便

  portable         adj. 輕便的, 手提的

  13. somehow     adv. 不知怎的, 以某種方式, 設(shè)法

  14. distract     vt. 使分心,使混亂

  15.  be devoted to sth  致力于…

  16.  run the risk of   冒著危險(xiǎn)做某事

  17. out of step with  與…..不一致,失調(diào)

  18.  evolution      n. 演變, 進(jìn)化

  19.  detect        vt. 查明, 發(fā)現(xiàn),洞察

  20.  be limited to sth   限于, 被限制在…..上

  如: The expense should be limited to what you can really afford.


  21. be in charge  主管,看管,控制

  22.  phase        n. 階段, 方面, vt. 分階段實(shí)行, 調(diào)整

  23.  reproduce      v. 復(fù)制, 重現(xiàn), 生殖,繁殖

  24.  in response to  對(duì)…回應(yīng),應(yīng)對(duì)…的要求

  25.  region     n. 地區(qū), 地域, 地帶, 行政區(qū),  層, 范圍, 領(lǐng)域

  26. frequency   n 頻繁性, 次數(shù), 頻率,

  27. genetic    adj. 基因的,起源的

  28. out of order   故障, 違反規(guī)程

  29. phenomenon     n. 現(xiàn)象,  奇跡, 非凡的人

  如: cultural phenomena  文化現(xiàn)象

  如: Globalization is a phenomenon of the 21st century . 全球化是21世紀(jì)的現(xiàn)象。

  30. obstacle     n. 障礙

  31. reshoot        n 重新拍攝

  32. incredible    adj. 難以置信的

  33.  recipient   n. 接受者,    adj. 容易接受的,感受性強(qiáng)的

  34. randomly    adv. 隨機(jī)地

  35 stifle     v. 扼殺,制止

  36. annual     adj. 每年的,  n. 年刊


  1. “The growth on the use of technology with children is very rapid, and we run the risk of being out of step with this generation as far as how they learn and how they think.












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