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來源:高考網整理 2019-10-18 09:04:30


  1. fiction ---n 小說, 虛構的文學作品; 編造, 虛構

  如: Number the Stars is a work of fiction。(一部小說作品)(2019屆寶山一模新題型)


  n. 非小說類文學作品; 寫實作品

  The degree of involvement of the ghostwriter in nonfiction writing projects ranges from minor to significant. (2019屆高考新增詞匯)


  2.  moving  adj. 感人的 (move 移動;的現(xiàn)在分詞)

  重點句子: The moving plot is driven by justice, danger and excitement. (2019屆寶山一模新題型)


  注意drive   v, 驅使

  3. significant adj. 重要的

  significance    n. 重要性

  insignificant  adj. 不重要的

  4. struggle v. / n.  奮斗,努力,爭取

  重點句子:She must also struggle with questions of loyalty and sacrifice.

  struggle against/with  all kinds of difficulties(斗爭、抗爭)

  struggle for survival  (奮斗、努力、爭。

  struggle to do

  a struggle for sth 爭奪….的斗爭

  重點句子:And she is a great inspiration to people who struggle with their own injuries. (2019屆寶山一模六選四)

  5. literary  adj. 文學上的;從事文學的

  重點句子: It is easy to read and provides clear examples of literary techniques like foreshadowing(預示).

  6. tension  n. 緊張;不安

  vt. 緊張, 使緊張

  重點句子: The plot is full of tension.

  relieve tension and stress  緩解緊張

  international / racial / political tensions 國際、種族、政治的緊張狀況

  7. remarkable  adj. 顯著的;異常的;引人注目的

  remarkably  adv.

  be remarkable for sth / that

  a remarkable achievement 非凡的成就

  8. far from 遠離,遠非, 不但不

  far from + adj/ doing /sth

  9.  be due to 因為,歸因于

  10. occupy v.占領,占據(jù); 使從事,使忙碌,任職

  occupy sb/sth/ oneself in doing /with sth 使忙于走某事;忙著做

  如: She occupied herself with routine office tasks. 她忙于辦公室的日常工作。

  Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time.

  11. tend to 傾向于做某事

  12. steady adj. 穩(wěn)定的

  13. obtain v. 獲得(gain , get, achieve)

  All of these vitamins and acids can be obtained from food.

  14. demonstrate v.展示,表示 vi. 示威游行(demonstrate against sth)

  15. in the long run 從長遠來看

  16. high-resistance cables 高阻電纜

  17. electric current.電流

  18. at risk of 處于…風險中

  19. inherit vt. vi 繼承, 繼任

  如:  inherit from sb/ sth

  inherit a fortune from sb

  He has inherited his mother’s patience.這種耐心是母親遺傳給他的

  an inherited disease 遺傳病

  policies inherited from the previous administration 因襲上屆政府的政策

  20.  gradual (adj. 逐漸的) gradually (adv. 逐漸地)

  eg: a gradual process

  21. essential  (adj. 重要的,必要的)

  22. breakup  n.分解

  23.  steady    adj.  穩(wěn)定的;鎮(zhèn)靜的

  24. at the rate of 以….的速度

  25. point  n. 要點,得分;觀點,見解; 目的,理由 vt./vi 指向,表明

  如: take your point 贊同的你的看法

  make your points 說清楚

  There is no point in doing sht 做某事沒有用

  be on the point of sth / doing 在….的關頭或者階段

  26. be on the edge of sth 瀕于,幾乎,在邊緣

  如: The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence .


  She was on the edge of tears.


  27. magnify  vt. 放大,夸大,贊美(exaggerate)

  eg: magnify images 放大照片

  28. passionate    adj. 激昂的,熱烈的

  29. a practical standpoint. 一個實際的角度

  30. financial insecurity 經濟不安全感

  31. pass on sth to sb 傳給某人

  32. be passionate about sth 對….熱心, 激動,熱衷

  33. relieve yourself of the uncomfortable feeling of financial pressure 減輕經濟壓力帶來的不舒適的感覺

  34. perception  n. 知覺,觀念; 看法,見解

  如 our perception of reality 我們對現(xiàn)實的認識

  如: There is a general public perception that standards in schools are falling.



  A. Perceptions of money and value 關于錢和價值的看法

  35. ethical failure 道德失敗

  36. against all odds 不顧一切困難


  1. say

  vi. 說,表明, 宣稱 vt. 表明,說明

  n. 發(fā)言權, 說話,要說的話。

  習語 have your say (非正式)有機會充分表達意見

  eg; She won’t be happy until she’d had her say.

  重點句子:They believed that they should have a(n) ____34___ in their government's leaders.(say 發(fā)言權)

  2. right  adj.正確的; n. 權利

  3. exercise  n. 練習;運動;訓練

  vi. 鍛煉, 訓練, 練習

  vt. 鍛煉, 實行, 發(fā)揮,運用

  如: exercise her right to remain silent 行使了自己保持沉默的權利

  exercise considerable influence over people 對別人有相當影響力的人

  重點句子:In many countries, the right to hold political office came along with the right to vote. And women have ___39___ that right.(exercise)

  4. twist  vt.繞, 卷,交結

  vi. 蜿蜒,轉動

  n. 旋轉, 揉搓之物

  如: twist the wire to form a circle 把鐵絲彎成一個環(huán)

  Her face twisted in anger.她氣得臉都變形了。

  narrow twisting streets 狹窄彎曲的街道

  She gave the lid another twist and it came off.她又擰了一下,蓋兒開了。

  the twists and turns of his political career 政治生涯的一波三折

  5. resolve

  vt/ vi. 決定,決心

  vt. 使分解

  n. 決意, 決定

  如: resolve these problems

  resolve to do sth 決定做某事

  resolve the crisis/conflict 解決危機、沖突

  n. resolution 決心

  high-resistance cables

  6. supplement

  vt. 增補, 補充

  n. 增補, 補充, 增刊

  如: vitamin supplements 補充的維生素

  the supplement to the Oxford Dictionary 《牛津英語詞典》補編

  6. stretch (strain v/n 拉緊, 扭傷)

  v. 伸展, 延伸

  n. 伸展, 彈性,

  adj. 可伸縮的,彈性的

  7. multiple

  adj. 多重的,復雜的

  n. 連鎖商店;倍數(shù)

  如: multiple injuries 多處受傷


  Do you check your bank balance and look at upcoming bills more than once every few days or even multiple times a day?

  8. count  v. 數(shù)數(shù) 計算,總數(shù);

  vi. 重要

  v. 認為(consider) count sb/ sth as sb/sth

  如: count from 1 to 10

  Every point in this game counts. 這場比賽每一分都很重要。

  Applications received after 1 July will not be counted. 7月1日以后收到的申請書將不予受理。

  重要句子:Even if you are a family that just barely breaks even every month, you have to count that as a blessing,(即使你的家庭每個月的收入剛剛好,你也最好認為這是好事。)


  meanwhile 與此同時

  as well as 和, 也


  Many people experience problems with their spine(脊椎) as they age.

  nonetheless=nevertheless=however 然而


  1. It's a real thing that affects real people.


  2. Yes, be honest about any problems, but if you get emotional, so will those closest to you.

  so + 助動詞+ 主語表示某人也是

  3. get 的搭配

  It's hard to be this passionate about money, but honestly, it's really the best way to get this issue solved.

  If so, then you may have a little financial insecurity going on. Let's look at getting it under control.

  4. 賓語從句

  The proper response to guilt depends on what kind of guilt you're dealing with.










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