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高一英語教案:《The Silver Screen. 搬上銀幕》教學(xué)設(shè)計(一)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-26 17:19:11

高一英語教案:《The Silver Screen. 搬上銀幕》教學(xué)設(shè)計(一)

  Period 1.Warning –up and Listening

  Teaching objectives and demands:

  1.The activity is designed to encourage students to Use the activity as a brainstorming session done either in groups or with the whole class and activate relevant vocabulary.

  2.Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice

  3. Interview the headmaster and other teacher about the school rules and the ways to learn all the subjects

  Key points:

  Goal: In this lesson, students will enhance their listening and speaking abilities through talking about films.

  Objectives:1. In this lesson, students will be able to describe the movie pictures

  2. In this lesson, students will be able to catch the main idea of the listening material and specific details according to the requirement.

  Material/resources: blackboard, tape-recorder, tape, textbook

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Free talk

  1. T: Do you like seeing films?

  Do you often go to the cinema to see films or just stay at home to see films on TV?

  This summer what films did you see?

  (ask students to discuss and answer these questions)

  2. T: Good films are always popular all over the world. People from different countries, with different background all like films. In this unit, we’ll focus on the silver screen, talking about successful films, famous actors and actresses, and great directors.

  Step 2 Warming up

  1. T: There are different kinds of films. What kind of film do you like?

  Write students answers on the blackboard. (comedy, action, animation, horror, historical, war, science-fiction…)

  2. Ask students to look at the picture of Hero

  T: Is this picture quite familiar to you? I believe most of you have seen this film, for it is directed by Zhang Yimou and acted by many movie stars. Can you tell me what kind of film it is based on your knowledge?

  Ask students to describe the picture with questions below

  Q1: What is happening in the scene?

  Q2: What do you think happens before this scene?

  Q3: What do you think happens after this scene?

  3. Group discussion

  Divide the whole class into 3 groups, each group discussing one of the rest three pictures in the text through their observation and imagination.

  Step 3 Listening practice (in the workbook)

  1.Brief introduction: You will hear three conversations in which some people are talking about their favorite films and film directors. Listen careful and complete the chart below.

  2.Ask students to go over the chart, and know what type of information they will listen for and what they should note down. Then listen to the tape for a first time, and try to understand the general meaning of this material, and pay special attention to specific information.

  3.Listen for the second time and write down the information according to the requirement of the exercise.

  4. Listen for the third time and check the information and the teacher does some explanation if necessary.

  Jennifer Alex James

  Title of the film AI Spiderman Shower

  Director Steven Spielberg Sam Raimi Zhang Yang

  What is the film about? A robot that wants love and becomes a real boy. The good fighting against the bad. An old bathhouse where people make friends. When the bath-house close, friendships are lost forever,

  His/Her opinion It’s a simple but strong story. It’s very exciting and funny. It’s a sad film.

  5. Ask students whether they have seen any of the films Jennifer, Alex and James talk about or other films directed by the film directors they mention. Give opinion about these films.

  Step 4 Closure

  Lead the whole class to discuss and give opinions about films they have seen.


  1. Read new words and expressions in Unit5.

  2. Cooperate in groups of 3-4, think about a scene if they direct a film, and then write a short dialogue of that film scene and act it out.

  Step 5. Homework

  (1) Finish off the exercises of Unit 5 in the workbook.

  (2) Revise the key points of this unit.

  (3)List the friend they get to know in class and write down some thing they want to know.

  Evaluation of teaching:






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