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您現在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網 > 高中教案 > 高一英語教案 > 高一英語教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》優(yōu)秀教學設計(一)







高一英語教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》優(yōu)秀教學設計(一)

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-26 16:51:36

高一英語教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》優(yōu)秀教學設計(一)

  The Third Period

  Teaching aims and demands

  The students are asked to master the Grammar :Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

  2. Integrating Skill: reading

  3. Oral practice: manipulate oral practice relevant to the reading material.

  Key points: grammar and reading

  Teaching methods: Reading —Sentence structure----explanation

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1. Revision

  (1) Check the homework exercises.

  (2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.

  Step 2. Presentation To ask the Ss pre-writing the following sentences and check them in class.

  1.“Today is Thursday” the teacher said.

  2. “I’m going to play football.” Tom said.

  3. “He lived in New York” Tom told me.

  4. “The moon foes around the earth.” he said.

  5. “He wanted to go out for lunch today.” his father said.

  6. “He has been here for six years” Mr Li told me.

  7. “ I will be here for one year.” I said to Mr Li.

  8. “You come here quickly.” he ordered.

  9.She said to me, “I will ask for some paper”.

  10.They asked: “Why did you come here so late?”

  Step 3. Grammar Direct Speech and Indirect Speech

  Brief explanation of “Direct Speech and Indirect Speech” (1): Statements & Questions

  * use Direct Speech when you want to show the exact words someone said or wrote. Use quotation marks to show that you are reporting the exact words a person used and a reporting clause to include information about the speaker and the situation.

  e.g. “I had a great time at the picnic,” she told her mum.

  (the direct speech) (the reporting clause)

  *The reporting clause may come before, within, or after the direct speech. When the reporting clause comes after the direct speech, the order of the subject and the verb may be changed, e.g. Jane said/said Jane. This typically happens when the reporting clause is within the reported speech and the subject is not a pronoun.

  e.g. Jane said, “I got a new e-pal. He is from Germany.”

  “I got a new e-pal,” Jane said / said Jane / she said, “He is from Germany.”

  “I got a new e-pal. He is from Germany,” Jane said / said Jane / she said.

  * Use a comma to connect the direct speech and the reporting clause.





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