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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高一英語教案 > 高一英語教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》優(yōu)秀教學(xué)設(shè)計(一)(2)







高一英語教案:《Unit1 Good Friends 好朋友》優(yōu)秀教學(xué)設(shè)計(一)(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-26 16:51:36

  * When you change a sentence from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, you sometimes need to change the verb tense. You may also need to change pronouns in order to keep the same meaning.


  Present past

  Past past or past perfect

  present perfective past perfect

  past perfective past perfect

  e.g. “I’ll take care of you,” Chuck said. à Chuck said he would take care of him.

  “Did you get e-mails from your friends?” she asked. à She asked if I had got e-mails from my friends.

  “Have you got any e-mails from your parents?” she asked. à She asked if I had got any e-mails from my parents.

  *When you use Indirect Speech to report what someone said, you can sometimes change the exact words without changing what the speaker actually said.

  e.g. Wilson asked, “How long have we been in this place?”à Wilson asked how long you had been here.

  Answers to Grammar Exercise 1

  1 The visitor said that he was very glad to visit our factory.

  2 “I don’t like American movies very much,” the woman said to / told us.

  3 Uncle Wang said that there was something wrong with the front wheel.

  4 The teacher said to the students, “We are going to have a meeting at three o’clock.”

  5 The students asked when they should go outing that autumn.

  6 “I’ll try to finish reading the book by the end of this week,” she said.

  7 The daughter told her father that mum had gone to the supermarket.

  8 “Are you going to mail the gifts to your parents?” Sara’s friend asked her.

  9 Tom asked Bob why he had been so excited that day.

  10 “How can I solve the problem?” Sandra asked her friend.

  Step 4 Post-reading : Grammar Exercise 2

  In this exercise, the students have to imagine that they are helping Chuck “hear” what Wilson “says.” The students use Chuck’s answers to guess what Wilson is asking and then write down the question as reported speech. Let the students look at the example and point out that they don’t need to change the verb tense. When they have completed the written part of the exercise, they can use the questions and answers to talk to each other.

  Answers to Grammar Exercise 2:

  Chuck: I know, I know. You are angry with me. You think we should wait longer, but we have waited long enough already.

  Wilson: Why do you want to leave this island?

  You: Chuck, Wilson asks why you want to leave this island.

  Chuck: I want to leave the island because I miss my friends.

  Wilson: Am I not your friend?

  You: Chuck, Wilson asks whether or not he is your friend.

  Chuck: Yes, you are my friend, but I miss the others.

  Wilson: How long have we been here?

  You: Chuck, Wilson asks how long you have been here.

  Chuck: We have been here for almost five years.

  Wilson: How will we leave?

  You: Chuck, Wilson asks how you will leave.

  Chuck: How will we leave? We will wait for the wind to change. Then we will go out over the reef.

  Wilson: That might be dangerous.

  You: Chuck, Wilson says that might be dangerous.

  Chuck: Yes, it might be dangerous, but we have to try. We can’t stay here any longer.

  Wilson: Will you take care of me?

  You: Chuck, Wilson asks if you will take care of him.

  Chuck: Of course I will take care of you.

  Wilson: I’m scared, Chuck.

  You: Chuck, Wilson says he is scared.

  Chuck: I’m scared, too.






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