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高二英語教案:《Part One Background Information》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 12:07:23

高二英語教案:《Part One Background Information》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

  Part I Background information

  I. How to succeed in a job interview? 如何取得工作面試的成功

  Background research is critical for success in an interview. Your research should focus on two key areas:

  1) General background information about the organization

  2) Specific information on the role that you are applying for

  General information on the organization can be found using several sources. The Internet is an incredibly valuable source of information on the majority of companies - many sites will freely give you almost all the information that you will need for the interview. You can also talk to people you know who work for the organization, or people who are their clients or suppliers.

  Watch, read, and listen to the news. While you are job searching you should try and monitor current affairs and the business news as often as possible. If an organization has been in the news recently they will expect exceptional candidates to have noticed!

  Focus on the specific role that you have applied for. Make sure you hold onto the adverts for all jobs that you have applied for, as these summaries for you the key details that employers are looking for. Employers particularly dislike ringing candidates for an interview only to find the candidate can't even remember applying for the job!

  Have an understating of the tasks you will be expected to perform in the role and the responsibilities that you might assume. Always obtain a copy of a position description if one is available, it will help you anticipate many of the likely questions.

  Think about replies to common questions.

  While you can't prepare for all possible questions, some questions appear in almost every interview and employers will expect you to have answers to such questions as:

  What are your strengths and weaknesses?

  Why do you want to work for this company?

  What do you have to offer us?

  What are your career goals?

  What do you see yourself doing in five years from now? Ten years?

  Why did you choose this career?

  What does success mean to you?

  At the end of the first year, if you got this job, how would you measure your success?

  Are you willing to relocate?

  How much do you expect to be paid?

  What are the most important considerations for you in choosing a job?

  What achievements have given you the most satisfaction? Why?

  Tell me about a time you were under pressure and how you handled it. Tell us a bit about yourself.

  While it is not a good idea to rehearse exact answers, it is often useful to practice verbalising possible answers to these common interview questions, be it to friends, family, or even to the mirror! This will give you greater confidence when answering questions, and it will also help you to evaluate how your answer sounds before you have to put it to the test in front of an actual interview panel.

  II. Successful Job Interview Tips - Careers-Employment

  Congratulations! You've finally landed that job interview you've been waiting for. Now the real work begins! Remember, resumes don't get jobs; they merely get you in the door. Here's how to make your resume come alive and make a good impression.

  Tell Your Story in 60 Seconds or Less. Believe it or not, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for job candidates is what to say when an interviewer opens with: tell me something about yourself. This is not the time to share where you were born, your love of cats, or how much you hate your last boss! It's your golden opportunity to make your resume come alive. Your story needs to highlight your top three selling points that are most pertinent (相關(guān)的,切題的) to the job for which you are applying. Support your points with short examples (see below). You may have more selling points, and if the interviewer is interested he or she will ask. Practice telling your story out loud until it's smooth and concise.






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