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高二英語教案:《Pygmalion 5th period Listening》教學設計

來源:網絡整理 2018-11-21 11:51:52

高二英語教案:《Pygmalion 5th period Listening》教學設計

  The Fifth Period Listening

  Teaching goals 教學目標

  1. Target language目標語言:


  pronunciation, criteria, ambassador, confused, impress, evidence, give away


  Does she concentrate on her pronunciation rather than her grammar?

  She speaks English so well that she must be a foreigner, probably a Hungarian.

  She is so beautiful that she must be a princess.

  2. Ability goals能力目標

  Enable the students to listen to and understand the play in the listening material

  3. Learning ability goals 學能目標

  Help the students learn how to listen to and understand the play in the listening material

  Teaching important & difficult points教學重難點

  How to listen to and understand the play in the listening material

  Teaching methods教學方法

  Listening and cooperative learning

  Teaching aids教具準備

  A computer and a projector, a recorder

  Teaching procedures & ways教學過程與方法

  Step I Revision

  Check the homework. /then talk about the characters in the play.

  T: In Shaw's play, each character is depicted vividly especially the three main characters. What can you say about them?

  S1: Eliza Doolittle is a flower girl working outside Convent Garden. Her potential to become "a lady" becomes the object of a bet between Higgins and Pickering.

  S2: Henry Higgins is a British, upper class professional bachelor, a world famous phonetic expert, teacher.

  S3: Colonel Pickering is a retired British officer with colonial experience and later a friend of Higgins'.

  T: Now please look at Part 4 on page 31. Choose those adjectives in the list which best describe each character in the play. Place them in the right place in the box.

  Henry Higgins: impatient, emotional, superior

  Colonel Pickering: kind, polite, unsure

  Eliza: anxious, eager, ambitious





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