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高二英語教案:《The Qin Tomb and the Terracotta Warriors》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)(2)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-21 12:04:37

  Step 4: Pair work

  Can you think of more questions about the dynasties of ancient China? Having a talk with your partner.

  Presentation Skill

  Read the letter on page 38 and answer the questions.

  1. Is this a formal or informal letter? How do you know?

  Formal; We know because the writer addresses the recipient as Mr. Wu (not by the first name), mentions nothing personal, just the business matter, signs it with "Yours sincerely".

  2. Why has Li Chen written the letter?

  Because he needs some students' help for the archaeological dig during the summer holidays.

  3. Who do you think Mr Wu is?

  A teacher at a school.

  4. In what way would this job be an interesting experience?

  The students would have a chance to work in a team at an important archaeological site.

  Cultural Corner

  Step1 : Read the passage and answer the questions.)

  1. Why did Qu Yuan kill himself?

  Because Qin captured the capital of Chu.

  2. What else do you know about Qu Yuan and the Dragon Boat Festival?

  Step 2: Task: Making a presentation about ancient China

  Think of a period of ancient China that interests you. Choose two or three important people or aspects of the period.

  (1) A ruler and his achievements

  (2) Poets or philosophers

  (3) Building or relics that can still be seen todayPeriod TwoContent: Reading and vocabulary (1)

  Step1: Fast reading

  Read the passage. Number the topics in the order you read about them.

  (a) The discovery of the warriors

  (b) the men who made the warriors

  (c) description of what the warriors look like

  (d) why the writer is at the site

  (e) Emperor Qin Shi Huang and his tomb

  (f) how the soldiers were made

  Answer: d, e, a, c, f, b

  Step2: Read again   Answer the question:

  1. In which part of China is the underground tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang?

  The northwest China's Shanxi Province.

  2. How and when were the terracotta warriors discovered?

  By farmers digging a well.

  3. How many terracotta warriors are there?7,4004. Why were they made?

  Because Emperor Qin wanted an army to protect him in the next life.

  Step3: Look at the words from the passage and choose the correct answers.






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