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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò) 2009-09-07 11:37:17

[標(biāo)簽:高考 英語]



  1. If you want to sell your product you must _____ it.

  A. advertise                            B. advertise for

  C. advertise on                        D. advertise to

  【陷阱】容易誤選B,認(rèn)為 advertise 的意思是“做廣告”,advertise for 的意思“為……做廣告”。

  【分析】事實(shí)上,正確答案為A。advertise 可用作及物和不及物動詞:用作及物動詞時,其意為“為……做廣告”、“登廣告宣傳”;用作不及物動詞時,其意為“做廣告”、“登廣告”,此時通常后接介詞 for,表示“做廣告征求”。比較:

  advertise for sth (sb) 登廣告征求或?qū)ふ夷澄锘蚰橙?(此時 advertise 不及物)

  advertise sth 為……登廣告,登廣告宣傳……(此時 advertise 是及物動詞,其后要直接跟被宣傳的東西作賓語)

  People advertise things that they wish to sell. 人們?yōu)橐u的東西登廣告。

  The manager wants to advertise for a new secretary. 經(jīng)理想登廣告招聘一位新秘書。


  advertise jobs 登廣告招人

  advertise for jobs 登廣告求職

  2. No matter how much you’ve learned and how high a standard of education you have had, you must _______ the people heart and soul.

  A. serve                                 B. serve for

  C. serve to                              D. serve on

  【陷阱】容易誤選B,即字對字地翻譯漢語的“全心全意為人民服務(wù)”,將其中的“為”譯為 for。

  【分析】答案選A,serve 意為“為……服務(wù)”,可直接用作及物動詞,其后不能按漢語意思誤加介詞 for。請看以下類似例子:

  (1) I _____ you yesterday, but you weren’t in.

  A. rang                B. rang to

  C. rang with                           D. rang to

  答案選A,ring 可以用作及物動詞,表示“給……打電話”,故其后不用介詞。

  (2) Neither of her parents wanted her to _____ her cousin.

  A. marry                                B. marry to

  C. marry with                         D. marry for

  答案選A,marry 可用作及物或不及物動詞,用作及物動詞時它的意思“與……結(jié)婚”,而不僅僅是“結(jié)婚”,也就是說,后接賓語時,無需用介詞 to, with 等。

  (3) How can I _____ you, Mr. Green?

  A. contact                               B. contact with

  C. contact to                           D. contact for

  答案選A,contact 為及物動詞,表示“與……聯(lián)系”,其后不接介詞。

  3. According to the rules, students must not ______ their books during examinations.

  A. read                 B. watch

  C. notice                                D. look at

  【陷阱】容易誤選A。因?yàn)榘凑沼⒄Z一般習(xí)慣:看書看報(bào)用動詞 read,看電視用動詞watch,看電影用動詞see,看比賽用動詞watch,看黑板用動詞look at,等等。

  【分析】一般說來,漢語的“看書”至少有兩層意思,一是指閱讀性地看書,即看書=讀書,此時通常用動詞read;另一種看書則不是指閱讀性地看書,而只是大概地翻一翻或看一看,比如看看書的封面、定價、內(nèi)容提要等,或者回答問題時看看書的某些章節(jié)或字句以及考試時偷看書本等等,此時通常都不宜用動詞read,而應(yīng)根據(jù)情況選用其他動詞(如 look at)。又如:

  Let me have a look at the book. 讓我看看或翻翻這本書。

  Please answer my questions without looking at your books. 請不看書回答我的問題。

  4. “I love traveling. I hope to go with you this time.” “But does your mother _____ you to go?”

  A. let                   B. agree

  C. allow                                 D. promise


  【分析】最佳答案為C。不能選A是因?yàn)?let 后用作賓語補(bǔ)足語的不定式不能帶 to;不能選B是因?yàn)閯釉~ agree 習(xí)慣上不用于 agree sb to do sth 這一句式;不能選D是因?yàn)樵?promise sb to do sth 這一句式中,to do sth 的邏輯主語是 promise 的主語而不其是賓語,比如 He promised me to go 的意思是“他答應(yīng)我,他去”,而不是“他答應(yīng)我讓我去”。之所以能選C,是因?yàn)?allow sb to do sth(允許某人做某事)與上文語境剛好吻合。

  5. If they _______ to make heart-felt apologies soon we will have to bring an action against them.

  A. disagreed                           B. refused

  C. agreed                                D. hoped

  【陷阱】容易誤選A,根據(jù) agree to do sth(同意做某事),想當(dāng)然地類推出 disagree to do sth(不同意或不愿意做某事)。

  【分析】事實(shí)上,語言有很多問題是不能類推的,如上面這一例,英語可說 agree to do sth,但習(xí)慣上卻不說 disagree to do sth。類似地,英語中可說 like doing [to do] sth,但在現(xiàn)代英語中習(xí)慣上說 dislike doing sth,卻不說dislike to do sth。其實(shí)上面一題的最佳答案是B,refuse to do sth 意為“拒絕做某事”或“不愿做某事”。

  6. They own two cars, not to _____ a motorbike.

  A. speak                                 B. say

  C. talk                  D. mention


  【分析】其實(shí)最佳答案為D。因?yàn)閚ot to say 和 not to mention 均為習(xí)語,但其含義區(qū)別甚大:

  not to mention=更不用說,此外還有

  not to say=雖不能說,即使不能說

  It is warm, not to say hot. 天氣雖說不上熱,但也夠暖了。

  He was impolite, not to say rude. 他即使不是粗魯,至少也是沒有禮貌。

  There’re ten of us ready to help, not to mention the children. 我們有10個人愿意幫忙,還不算小孩。

  They have three dogs to look after, not to mention the cat and the bird. 他們有三只狗要照顧,更別提那只貓和鳥了。

  7. “Do your parents agree to your doing that?” “Yes, of course. In fact, they always ______ me to try something new.”

  A. hope                B. suggest

  C. support                              D. encourage


  【分析】其實(shí)此題的正解答案是D。因?yàn)樵谝陨纤膫選項(xiàng)中,只有encourage 可后接不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)作賓語,即可用于 encourage sb to do sth,而其余三者均不可后接不定式的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)作賓語,即英語中習(xí)慣上不說 hope sb to do sth, suggest sb to do sth, support sb to do sth。順便說一句,以下英漢語表達(dá)也有類似差別,請注意:

  漢語說“希望某人做某事”,但英語不說 hope sb to do sth。

  漢語說“同意某人做某事”,但英語不說 agree sb to do sth。

  漢語說“不同意某人做某事”,但英語不說disagree sb to do sth。

  漢語說“害怕某人做某事”,但英語不說 fear sb to do sth。

  漢語說“拒絕某人做某事”,但英語不說 refuse sb to do sth。

  漢語說“懲罰某人做某事”,但英語不說 punish sb to do sth。

  漢語說“建議某人做某事”,但英語不說 suggest sb to do sth。

  漢語說“建議某人做某事”,但英語不說 propose sb to do sth。

  漢語說“贊成某人做某事”,但英語不說 approve sb to do sth。

  漢語說“安排某人做某事”,但英語不說 arrange sb to do sth。

  漢語說“要求某人做某事”,但英語不說 demand sb to do sth。

  漢語說“感謝某人做某事”,但英語不說 thank sb to do sth。

  漢語說“指導(dǎo)某人做某事”,但英語不說 guide sb to do sth。

  漢語說“祝賀某人做某事”,但英語不說 congratulate sb to do sth。

  漢語說“阻止某人做某事”,但英語不說 prevent sb to do sth。

  漢語說“通知某人做某事”,但英語不說 inform sb to do sth。

  漢語說“歡迎某人做某事”,但英語不說 welcome sb to do sth。

  漢語說“陪伴某人做某事”,但英語不說 accompany sb to do sth。


  advise sb to do sth 建議某人做某事

  wish sb to do sth / hope for sb to do sth 希望某人做某事

  arrnage for sb to do sth 安排某人做某事

  demand of sb to do sth 要求某人做某事

  thank sb for doing sth 感謝某人做了某事

  congratulate sb on doing sth 祝賀某人做了某事

  prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事


  8. Nowadays everyone hopes to ______ good education so as to get a good job in the future.

  A. accept                                B. accept a

  C. receive                               D. receive a

  【陷阱】容易誤選A或B。因?yàn)閍ccept 與 receive 的基本區(qū)別是前者表示“接受”,后者表示“收到”,而漢語通常是說“接受教育”,而不是說“收到教育”,所以選A或B,

  【分析】其實(shí)上,此題的正確答案是D,因?yàn)橛⒄Z中習(xí)慣說 receive a good education,而不說 accept a good education。另外,education 表示抽象意義的“教育”時,不可數(shù),但表示“一種教育”或“一段教育”時,可與不定冠詞連用。

  9. Wearing dark glasses can _______ your eyes from the sun.

  A. care                 B. prevent

  C. defend                               D. protect

  【陷阱】容易誤選B。因?yàn)樵S多同學(xué)一看到題干中的 from,再聯(lián)系到選項(xiàng)中的 prevent,便馬上想起了 prevent … from … 這個常用搭配。

  【分析】在 prevent A from B 這一句式中,A 和 B通常具有主謂關(guān)系,如在The rain prevented us from going out (下雨使我們不能出去)中,“我們”與“出去”就具有主謂關(guān)系。而上面一題不具備此特點(diǎn)。此題正確答案應(yīng)是 D,protect … from … 意為“保護(hù)……免受……”。

  10. Mr. Smith was in great need of money, so he ____ $2 000 for his car. A. paid                 B. took

  C. cost                 D. spent

  【陷阱】容易誤選A,誤選的依據(jù)是pay … for … 這一搭配。

  【分析】若單獨(dú)說 He paid $2 000 for the car (他付了2 000美元買這車)是完全可以的,但問題是,本句前面有這樣一句He was in great need of money (他急需要錢),既然是“急需要錢”,又怎么還會花2000美元去買車呢?尤其還需注意的是 car 前的物主代詞 his,這說明是為自己的車花2000美元錢,不合情理。此題的正確答案是B,take 在此表示“獲得”、“得到”,句意為“他急需要錢,把自己的車以2000美元給賣掉了”。

  11. There are many kinds _____, but I don’t know which to buy.

  A. to be chosen                       B. to choose from

  C. to choose                            D. for choosing


  【分析】其實(shí)應(yīng)選B。choose 表示“選擇”,其實(shí)是指“選擇出來”(pick out),而不是指“從……選擇”,要表示后者的意思,要用 choose from,有時也用 choose among。同樣地,下面兩例中的介詞 from 也不可省略:

  Here are some dictionaries for you choose from. 這些詞典可供你選擇。

  In fact, there are various colors to choose from. 事實(shí)上,有各種各樣的顏色可供選擇。


  He chose a red one. 他選了一個紅色的。

  He chose from some red ones. 他從一些紅色的當(dāng)中去選。

  He didn’t know which to choose. 他不知道選哪個。

  He didn’t know which to choose from. 他不知道從哪個當(dāng)中去選。


  (1) “We have sent out two best players to the sports meet. What about you?” “Well, not yet. We have few ______, I’d say.”

  A. chosen                               B. to choose

  C. to be chosen                       D. to choose from

  (2) “I’d like to buy an expensive camera.” “Well, we have several models ______.”

  A. to pick up                          B. to pick

  C. to choose                            D. to choose from

  12. I _____ him not to go abroad, but he wouldn’t listen.

  A. persuaded                           B. tried to persuade

  C. have persuaded                   D. was persuaded


  【分析】正確答案為B。persuade 的真正意思是“說服”,而不是“設(shè)法說服”,要表示后者的意思英語應(yīng)用 try to persuade (當(dāng)然也可用其他詞,如 advise 等)。類似地:

  (1) kill 的意思是“殺死”,不表示“設(shè)法殺死”,要表示后者的意思英語用 try to kill。

  (2) prevent 的意思是“阻止”,不表示“設(shè)法阻止”,要表示后者的意思英語用 try to prevent。

  13. When she came several days later, she found that all things still _______ where she had _______ them.

  A. lay; laid                             B. laid; laid

  C. lay; lain                             D. lying; lain


  【分析】正確答案選A。第一空填lay,它是lie(位于,在)的過去式 lay;第二空 laid,它是 lay(放,置)的過去分詞,句意為“……她發(fā)現(xiàn)所有東西還在她當(dāng)時放它們的地方”。請注意 lie, lay 的以下用法及詞形變換:

  (1) lay 有兩個常見意思:一是表示“放”、“擺”(及物),二是表示“下(蛋)”(及物或不及物)。如:

  Lay your coat on the bed. 把你的外衣放在床上。

  Are your hens laying yet? 你的母雞下蛋了嗎?

  Will you please lay the table for dinner? 請你擺好餐具準(zhǔn)備吃飯好嗎?

  (2) lie 有三個主要意思:一是表示“躺”或“平放”,二是表示“位于”,三是表示“說謊”。用于以上三義時,均為不及物動詞。如:

  Don’t lie in bed all morning. 別一個上午都躺在床上。

  The book lay open on the desk. 那本書攤開著放在桌上。

  Don’t lay your coat on the bed. 不要把你的外衣放在床上。

  The small town lies among the mountains. 小鎮(zhèn)位于群山之中。

  I’m sorry I lied to you. 我很抱歉向你撒了謊。

  (3) 這兩個詞經(jīng)常被混淆的有時不是其意思,而是其詞形。注意下表所示:






  (1) The hens _____ 50 eggs last week, but this week they aren’t _____.

  A. lay, lying                           B. laid, laying

  C. lay, laying                          D. lied, lying

  (2) The girl ______ on the ground _____ to me that had _____ the purse on the desk.

  A. lying, lay, laid                    B. lying, lied, laid

  C. lie, lied, lay                        D. lay, lied, lain

  14. He _____ a visit to the factory and was warmly _____ by the workers there.

  A. took, welcome                    B. took, welcomed

  C. paid, welcome                    D. paid, welcomed

  【陷阱】容易誤選A或C。因?yàn)樵S多同學(xué)會模仿 come → came → come 的變化形式,想當(dāng)然地認(rèn)為 welcome的變化形式是 welcome → welcame → welcome。

  【分析】此題第一空應(yīng)填動詞 paid,因?yàn)?pay a visit to(拜訪)是慣用搭配,其中的 pay 不能換成take。第二空要填welcomed,因?yàn)閣elcome 用作動詞時,其過去式和過去分詞均為 welcomed,即它是規(guī)則動詞。有的同學(xué)也許會問,我們不是常說 You are welcome 嗎? 為什么其中的 welcome 未用 welcomed 呢?那是因?yàn)榇颂幍?welcome 為形容詞,而不是動詞。

  15. The boy said that the fish his mother cooked tasted ______.

  A. good                B. well

  C. to be good                          D. to be well


  【分析】按英語語法,連系動詞后通常接形容詞作表語,而不接副詞,據(jù)此可以排除選項(xiàng)B和D。但到底是應(yīng)選A還是C呢?許多同學(xué)憑感覺認(rèn)為 taste to be good 似乎很通順,于是選了C。但是,錯了,正確答案應(yīng)是A。原因是用作連系動詞的 taste 后習(xí)慣上不接to be。如:


  正:The apples from this tree taste delicious.

  誤:The apples from this tree taste to be delicious.

  類似地,feel, smell, sound 等連系動詞后習(xí)慣上也不接不定式 to be。如:


  正:Your idea sounds a good one.

  誤:Your idea sounds to be a good one.


  正:Roses smell sweet.

  誤:Roses smell to be sweet.

  比較:seem, appear, prove, turn out, continue 等連系動詞后可以接不定式 to be,也可省略 to be。如:

  She seems (to be) a little tired. 她似乎有點(diǎn)累。

  He appears (to be) quite young. 他顯得年輕。

  The examination turned out (to be) quite easy. 結(jié)果考試相當(dāng)容易。

  The weather continued (to be ) fine. 天氣仍然很好。

  注:用作連系動詞的 look 后能否接 to be,各語法家意見不一:有的認(rèn)為可接to be,有的認(rèn)為不能接 to be。為此,建議同學(xué)們以不接 to be 為宜。


  1. We’re so busy that no one in the office can _____ for any other work.

  A. spare                                 B. be spared

  C. share                D. be shared

  2. He regards that book _____ one of the worst that he’s _____ read.

  A. to be, ever                          B. to be, never

  C. as, ever                              D. as, never

  3. “Did you get a job?” “No, I ______, but it’s no use.”

  A. expected                            B. tried to

  C. managed to                         D. planned

  4. “Do you know that Jack ______ a postman for about six years?” “Yes, I see.”

  A. has become                        B. has turned

  C. has changed                        D. has been

  5. The thing that ______ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

  A. matters                              B. cares

  C. considers                            D. minds

  6. I don’t want the green coat. It is red and black colours that ______ me very well.

  A. suit                  B. fit

  C. suits                 D. fits

  7. “Will another fifty be enough?” “Just twenty will ______.”

  A. work                                 B. do

  C. suit                  D. fit

  8. Goodbye, Mr Carter — my secretary will _____ you to the door.

  A. send                B. lead

  C. drive                D. show

  9. This kind of cancer can be cured, provided it is ______ early.

  A. got                  B. gained

  C. seen                 D. caught

  10. We haven’t enough books for everyone; some of you will have to _____.

  A. help                 B. enjoy

  C. share                D. spare

  11. He asked her to marry him and she _____ him.

  A. answered                            B. received

  C. accepted                             D. agreed

  12. My worst fears were _____ when I saw what the exam questions were.

  A. done                B. seen

  C. finished                              D. realized

  13. The plan looks good on paper, but will it _____?

  A. work                                 B. pass

  C. agree                                 D. does

  14. What’s the matter with the radio? Why isn’t it _____?

  A. broadcasting                       B. working

  C. doing                                 D. sounding

  15. High unemployment _____ the government billions of pounds in lost taxes.

  A. spends                               B. takes

  C. uses                 D. costs

  16. It’s hard to rescue drowning people because they _____ so much.

  A. sink                 B. swim

  C. jump                D. struggle

  17. She went to the station to meet her husband, but _____ him in the crowd.

  A. passed                                B. recognized

  C. missed                               D. lost

  18. I missed what was happening because I wasn’t ______ very closely.

  A. noticing                             B. running

  C. watching                            D. glancing

  19. If you lend me a pound, it will _____ me having to go to the bank.

  A. save                 B. share

  C. serve                D. help

  20. Don’t _______ your breath trying to persuade them; they’ll never listen.

  A. use                  B. waste

  C. spend                                 D. put

  21. He has spent little time on his lessons this term, so he _____ to fail the exam.

  A. expects                              B. hopes

  C. wishes                                D. requires

  22. He will never ______ anything if he doesn’t work hard.

  A. hope                B. wish

  C. achieve                              D. succeed


  1. 選B,spare 在表示“騰出或省去(多余的人或物)”。

  2. 選C,regard … as …的意思“把……當(dāng)作……”,其中的介詞 as 不能換成 to be。

  3. 選B。I tried to 為 I tried to get a job 之省略。

  4. 選D。因?yàn)锳、B、C均為終止性動詞,均不能連用 for about six years 這樣的一段時間。

  5. 選A。matter 在此的意思是“要緊”、“關(guān)系重大”。

  6. 選A。填空句為強(qiáng)調(diào)句,強(qiáng)調(diào)主語 red and black colours,故其后的謂語要用復(fù)數(shù),即排除C和D。另外,fit 與suit區(qū)別是:fit 表示“適合”或“合身”等(及物或不及物),主要是指尺寸、大小、形狀等方面的適合,而 suit 表示“適合”,主要指款式或花色等方面的適合。

  7. 選B。do 在此表示“夠”、“足夠”、“適合”、“行”、“可以”等義。又如:

  This will never do! 這事永遠(yuǎn)不可以。

  I’m hungry. Get me something to eat. Anything will do. 我餓了,給我弄點(diǎn)吃的東西,什么都行。

  8. 選D。show sb to the door 意為“送某人到門口”。注意,其中的介詞 to 不可省略,否則就成了 show sb the door(驅(qū)趕某人,下逐客令)。另外,也不要按漢語意思選A,因?yàn)閟end 通常表示派人送,而不表示親自送。

  9. 選D,catch 在此表示“發(fā)現(xiàn)”,句中的 provided 用作連詞,意為“如果”。

  10. 選C。既然書不夠,不能每人一本,所以有些人只能share(分享)了。

  11. 選C。accept 意為“同意”、“接受”,注意不能選D,因?yàn)?agree 后不能直接跟名詞或代詞作賓語。

  12. 選D。realize 在此的意思不是“實(shí)現(xiàn)”,而是指“使(不安、恐懼等)成為事實(shí)”。

  13. 選A,work 在此的意思是“起作用”、“奏效”。

  14. 選B。work 在此的意思是“運(yùn)作”、“運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)”。

  15. 選D。spend 和 cost 均可表示“花費(fèi)”,但句型不同:spend + 時間或金錢 + on sth (in doing sth),cost + 某人或某機(jī)構(gòu) + 金錢或時間。

  16. 選D。由句意和常識推知。

  17. 選C。miss 指“錯過”。

  18. 選C,由句子的語境可推知。

  19. 選A,save 指“省去(勞力等)”。

  20. 選B。

  21. 選A,expects 在此不是表示“期待”,而是表示“預(yù)料”。

  22. 選C,achieve 意為“完成”、“做到”。其余三項(xiàng)均不能直接跟名詞或代詞作賓語。







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