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  251.let down 辜負(fù),使失望(熟義:放下來(lái))

  He said he would be here by 12o'clock, but he let us down.


  252.let out 泄露(機(jī)密);發(fā)出(聲);出租(熟義:讓出去)

  I'll never tell you another secret if you let this one out.如果你把這個(gè)秘密說(shuō)出去了,我再也不告訴你第二個(gè)秘密了。

  253.liberal adj.慷慨的,豐盛的(熟義:開(kāi)明的,自由的)

  He is liberal with his money.他用錢(qián)大方。

  My father gave a liberal amount of money each week.我老爸每周都要給我一大筆錢(qián)

  254. library  熟義:n. 圖書(shū)館

  Pro. Lin has a large library of books. n.收藏,收藏量

  255.life n.活力,勁頭(熟義:生活)

  The children are full of life.這些孩子們充滿(mǎn)了活力。

  256.not on your life 無(wú)論如何也不(勿望文生義)

  “Do you appreciate it?”“Not on your life.”你喜歡它嗎?一點(diǎn)也不喜歡。

  257.can't for the life of me 即使要我的命也不能(勿望文生義)

  I can't for the life of me see why you are so annoyed.我無(wú)論如何也不明白你為什么這么生氣。

  258.lift (熟義:電梯)

  Can you give me a lift to the station? n.搭便車(chē)

  His report gave us a great lift.n. 鼓舞

  259.lift v.消散(熟義:舉起)

  Jan's depression seemed to be lifting at last.吉安總算沒(méi)有失望的情緒了。

  260. light 熟義:n. 光亮

  It's beginning to get light. adj. 有光亮的,明亮的,充滿(mǎn)自然光的

  261. lively  熟義:adj. 生動(dòng)活潑的

  The room is lively with children singing and dancing. adj. 生氣勃勃的

  262. lose 熟義:v. 失去,丟失

  Please hurry! My watch loses 10 minutes. vi.鐘表慢(與gain 快)相對(duì)

  263. lot 熟義:量,批

  It is difficult for us to find a parking lot outside some shopping centres. n.作某種用途的場(chǎng)地

  264.in a…light  以……目光,對(duì)……有……看法(勿望文生義)

  There was Brian,pushing the pram,and I suddenly saw him in a new light.那就是布萊恩,推著童車(chē),突然間我對(duì)他有了新的認(rèn)識(shí)。

  265.see the light一下子明白,開(kāi)竅;問(wèn)世(勿望文生義)

  He explained his reason and then I saw the light.他解釋原因后,我一下子就明白了。

  266. light  adj.輕浮的,靈巧的 v.開(kāi)朗起來(lái)(熟義:adj.亮的,淺色的,輕的;v.燃)

  A smile lit up her face.她臉上露出了喜悅的笑容。

  267.list v. 入 (熟義:n.清單)

  Mother listed the items she wanted to buy.媽媽開(kāi)出了購(gòu)物清單。

  268.live through 經(jīng)歷(而活下來(lái))    (勿望文生義)

  He lived through the 1961 famine.他經(jīng)歷了1961年的饑荒。

  269.live up to 使行為和…相符

  The WTO can not live up to its name if it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.如果WTO不包括一個(gè)占世界人口五分之一的國(guó)家,那就名不副實(shí)。

  270.live with 接受(某局面,事實(shí)等)

  You must live with the fact that you are no longer as active as you were .


  271.lock 挽在一起,互相揪/扭在一起(熟義:鎖)

  They were locked in each other's arms.他們抱成一團(tuán)。

  272.in the long run 長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來(lái)說(shuō), 最后(勿望文生義

  It is difficult to save money now, but it is worth it in the long run. 現(xiàn)在存錢(qián)很困難,但從長(zhǎng)遠(yuǎn)來(lái)講是值得的。

  273.as/so long as 只要( 熟義:與……一樣長(zhǎng))

  You can go out to play as long as you stay in the back yard.只要是呆在后院,你就可以出去玩。

  274.long  v.渴望(熟義:長(zhǎng),久 )

  He longd to read the novel by Qiong Yao.他極想讀瓊瑤的小說(shuō)。

  275.look up 看望,拜訪;好轉(zhuǎn),改善(熟義:向上看,查閱)

  Look me up next time you are in Beiing.下次到北京時(shí),來(lái)看我。

  276.look up to 尊敬(勿望文生義)

  School boys usually look up to football players.學(xué)生通常都很崇拜足球運(yùn)動(dòng)員。

  277.look n. 表情,外貌, 美貌(熟義:看

  She kept her looks even in her old age. 即使上了年紀(jì),她仍然風(fēng)韻猶存。

  278.be lost 不知如何是好(熟義:被丟失

  He is lost without his wife.沒(méi)有妻子在,他就茫然不知所措。

  279.be lost in =lose oneself in 聚精會(huì)神于,迷上,陷入(熟義:消在…中) He is lost in thought/the book. 他陷入沉思/他聚精會(huì)神地啃那本書(shū)。


  280. marry 熟義:v. 結(jié)婚,與某人結(jié)婚

  This poem marries theme and style well. v. 使緊密結(jié)合,使混為一體

  281. be mad about 特別喜歡(勿望文生義)

  Some girls are mad about going to dances.有些女孩特別喜歡跳舞。

  282. major n.主修課,主修…的學(xué)生, v.主修(熟義: adj. 主要的,重大的)   I majored in English.我主修英語(yǔ)。

  283. make 成為,等于,搭上(車(chē),船) 趕上(會(huì)議等),到達(dá),走了(路程)(熟義: 成;使 )

  She will make a good wife and mother.她將成為賢妻良母。

  We at last made the party because we made the station on time and made the train.因?yàn)槲覀儼磿r(shí)到達(dá)了車(chē)站,趕上了火車(chē),所以我們最終趕上了這次晚會(huì)。

  284. make a difference有關(guān)系,有影響(勿望文生義

  It does not make a bit of difference if you are late for my party.如果參加我的晚會(huì)來(lái)遲到了,沒(méi)有一點(diǎn)關(guān)系。

  285. make a hit 很成功,很受歡迎(勿望文生義)

  Alice was so happy that her boy friend made a hit with her parents.艾麗斯很高興,因?yàn)槟信笥押苁芨改赣H的喜愛(ài)。

  286. make believe 假裝(勿望文生義)

  The little girl made believe she was a princess.這小女孩假裝她是公主。

  287. make do with湊合用(吃) (勿望文生義)

  He did not have a hammer, and he had to make do with a heavy rock.他沒(méi)有錘子,只好用一塊石頭湊合著用。

  288. make good 實(shí)現(xiàn)(諾言),賠償,改過(guò)自新,有出息 (勿望文生義)

  All the damage has been made good.所有損失都已賠償。

  289.make it 按時(shí)到達(dá)某地;成功(勿望文生義)

  You can make it if you hurry.如果趕快點(diǎn),你會(huì)按時(shí)到達(dá)的。

  290.make of 對(duì)……有看法 (熟義:由……制成)

  What do you make of what he said?你對(duì)他的話(huà)有什么看法?

  291. make out 理解,看出,進(jìn)展,裝出(熟義:開(kāi)出發(fā)票等)

  I can not make out his ideas.我不明白他的意思。

  How are you making out with Mary?你與瑪麗相處得如何?

  He made out that he had not done it.他裝出他沒(méi)做此事的樣子。

  292.make up 和解,構(gòu)成,彌補(bǔ) (熟義:編造)

  They quarreled, but made up after a while.他們吵了架,但不久就言歸于好了。

  We must make up the work we missed.我們必須把沒(méi)有做的工作補(bǔ)回來(lái)。

  Farmers make up 80 percent of the population of China.農(nóng)民占中國(guó)人口的80%。(用被動(dòng)時(shí)加of )

  293. make up one's mind 斷言(熟義:決定,下決心

  He made up his mind that the people had to leave because they had cut down all

  the trees.他斷言,那些人因?yàn)榭彻饬藰?shù)木而必須得離開(kāi)。

  294.mass (復(fù)數(shù)) 群眾 (熟義:一堆,大量)

  The masses are true makers of history.群眾才是真正的歷史創(chuàng)造者。

  295.match n.和……相比的人,對(duì)手 vt.匹配,是……的對(duì)手(熟義:比賽,火柴)

  No one can match him in English.在英語(yǔ)方面誰(shuí)也比不上他。

  296.mean 有……意圖,打算(熟義:意思是)

  I had meant to go on Monday but have stayed on.我本來(lái)打算星期一走的但還是留下來(lái)了。

  It's mean of you to eat up all the apples.adj.自私的,卑鄙的,吝嗇的

  297. by no means完全不(勿望文生義)

  He is by no means stupid.他絕不笨。

  298. measure n.措施(可數(shù)) (熟義:量……的尺寸)

  What measures were taken to prevent fires?預(yù)防火災(zāi)采取了什么措施?

  299. meet v.滿(mǎn)足(要求),符合(要求),應(yīng)付(熟義:碰頭,迎接)

  I could not meet the bills this month.這個(gè)月我入不敷出。

  300. message 熟義:n. 信息,口信

  I'd like to see a film with a message. n.教益;寓意

  301. might 熟義:或許

  I sue all my might to open the door. n.力量,權(quán)威

  302. mind v.當(dāng)心,注意{熟義:介意;心(思)}

  Mind your head!當(dāng)心!不要碰著頭了。

  303. minute 熟義:n. 分鐘

  They held a minute inspection of the grounds. adj.微小的,詳細(xì)的,仔細(xì)而準(zhǔn)確的。

  Please read through the minutes first. n.會(huì)議記錄

  304. mix 熟義:vt 混合

  He mixes very little with his wife's friends. vt.交往,來(lái)往

  305. monitor  n. v.監(jiān)控(器),(電腦)顯示器(熟義:班長(zhǎng))

  The Police had monitored all of his phone calls.警察暗中監(jiān)聽(tīng)了他打的所有電話(huà)。

  306. no more...than... 比……更不,非常不(勿望文生義)

  He is no more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be.他根本不適合當(dāng)部長(zhǎng),連小學(xué)生都不如。

  307. move  v.使感動(dòng);提議(熟義:移動(dòng))

  Even Father was deeply moved.連父親都感動(dòng)了。

  I move that we accept the proposal.我提議我們接受這個(gè)建議。

  308.multiply 熟義:v . 乘;繁殖

  We can multiply our chances of success. v. 成倍增加;迅速增加


  309. narrowly adv.差點(diǎn)兒沒(méi);仔細(xì)地(勿望文生義)

  One car went too fast and narrowly missed hitting the other one.一輛車(chē)開(kāi)得太快險(xiǎn)些撞到另一輛車(chē)

  310.come near to 差一點(diǎn)就(勿望文生義)

  She came near to killing him.她差點(diǎn)兒置他于死地。

  311. nobody n.小人物(熟義:沒(méi)有人)

  “I want to be famous!I am tired of being a nobody,” he said.他說(shuō)他討厭做無(wú)名小卒。

  312.look down one's nose at 看不起(勿望文生義)

  The Turners always look down theirnoses at their neighbours.特納家總看不起鄰居。

  313. note 熟義:n. 筆記

  Learn the notes by heart. n. 臺(tái)詞

  I noticed that her hands were dirty. v.注意到

  314 novel. 熟義:小說(shuō)

  Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. adj. 新穎的


  315. object v.反對(duì)(熟義:賓語(yǔ);物件)

  They objected to leaving school and going to work.他們反對(duì)輟學(xué)去工作。

  316. occur v. 被想到(熟義:發(fā)生)

  It did not occur to me that you would object.我沒(méi)想到你會(huì)反對(duì)。

  317. be well/ badly off經(jīng)濟(jì)狀況好/壞(勿望文生義)

  He is well off, it appears, and willing to work for nothing.似乎他很富裕,愿意白干。

  318. good offices 幫忙,斡旋(勿望文生義)

  Through the good offices of a friend, I was able to get a ticket.在朋友的幫助下,我才弄到一票。

  319. take office就職(勿望文生義)

  She took office at a difficult time.她就職于困難時(shí)期。

  320. be well on in/into很晚(勿望文生義)

  Although it was well on in the evening,we decided to try our luck at fishing again.盡管很晚了,但我們?nèi)詻Q定撒一網(wǎng)碰一下運(yùn)氣。

  321.at once同時(shí);既,又(熟義:馬上)

  Don't all speak at once! One at a time.不要一起講!一個(gè)一個(gè)地講。

  She is at once clever and modest.她既聰明又端莊。

  322. open  熟義:v.開(kāi)  adj. 開(kāi)著;打開(kāi)的

  They left the matter open. adj.(問(wèn)題,議事等)未解決的

  323. operate vi.運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn),起作用 vt.經(jīng)營(yíng)(熟義:動(dòng)手術(shù))

  The medicine began to operate at once.藥立刻開(kāi)始見(jiàn)效。

  324. order v.定購(gòu) n.順序 (熟義:命令) [來(lái)源:學(xué)|科|網(wǎng)]

  Have you ordered your meal?點(diǎn)菜了嗎?

  325. otherwise  熟義:adv. 否則;要不然

  You know what it is about. Why do you pretend otherwise? adv.在其他方面

  326. outgoing 熟義:adj. 愛(ài)交際的;友好的;外向的

  The outgoing president Bush attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. adj.將卸任的;將離職的

  327. outspoken 熟義:adj. 直率的;坦誠(chéng)的

  She was very outspoken about her wish to be married. adj.直言不諱的

  328. outstanding 熟義:adj.優(yōu)秀的,杰出的

  Some of the work is still outstanding. adj.(款項(xiàng),工作,困難等)未支付的;未完成的;未決的

  329. own 熟義:vt. 擁有

  He owned the child as his daughter. vt 承認(rèn)


  330.pack v.包裝;收拾行李;擠滿(mǎn)(熟義:包)

  You go and pack your things.你去收拾行李吧。

  331. paragraph 熟義:n. 段落

  There is a paragraph about the accident in the local newspaper. n.報(bào)紙上短篇報(bào)道

  332.park v.停車(chē);放置n.停車(chē)場(chǎng)(熟義:公園)

  A car park is a place where you may park your car.停車(chē)場(chǎng)就是停車(chē)的地方。

  333.part n.(熟義:零件;角色,部分)

  I hope we'll never part.但愿我們永遠(yuǎn)不分離(v.分手/離;放棄;賣(mài)掉)

  In order to raise money,he had to part with some of his most treasured possessions.為了籌款,他不得不賣(mài)掉一些最珍貴的財(cái)產(chǎn)。

  334. party  熟義:n. 黨派;聚會(huì)

  The solution is acceptable to both parties. n.契約或爭(zhēng)論的雙方

  335.playa...part in...起……作用(勿望文生義)

  The women played an important part in the task.?huà)D女在這次任務(wù)中起了重要作用。

  336.take part in...參與;起……作用(勿望文生義)

  I once took part with him in a debate.我曾經(jīng)與他進(jìn)行過(guò)辯論。

  337.pass v.經(jīng)過(guò);通過(guò);過(guò)去;度過(guò)n.傳球;通行證;關(guān)口(熟義:遞給)

  You must pass your pass to him at the pass or you can't pass your summer holidays there.在關(guān)口你必須把通行證遞給他,否則,你無(wú)法去那兒度暑假。

  I have no idea what passed in my absence. vi.發(fā)生,產(chǎn)生

  338.bring...to pass  vt.使發(fā)生(come to pass vi.發(fā)生)(勿望文生義)

  His wife's death brought a change to pass in his attitude toward religion.他妻子的死使他改變了對(duì)宗教的態(tài)度。

  339.passage  n. 通道;走廊;通過(guò)(熟義:文章)

  The house has an underground passage.房子有地下通道。

  340.patient adj.耐心的(熟義:n.病人)

  Just be patient.I think you're next.耐心點(diǎn)!下個(gè)就是你了。

  341.pay (熟義:付款)

  He says farming doesn't pay.他說(shuō)做農(nóng)活劃不來(lái)。(vi.合算)

  342. peach 熟義:n. 桃子

  He has peached me and all the others to save his life. vt.告發(fā) vi. 告密

  343.perform v.履行;執(zhí)行(熟義:表演)

  Perform your promise.請(qǐng)說(shuō)話(huà)算數(shù)。

  The doctor performed the operation.醫(yī)生做了手術(shù)。

  344.in person親自(勿望文生義)

  You can complain to the manager in per- son.你可以親自去向經(jīng)理投訴。

  345.physical 身體的;物質(zhì)的;自然的(熟義:物理的)

  We should help the people with mental or physical disabilities.我們應(yīng)該幫助那些心理或生理上有缺陷的人。

  346.picture n.形象;樣子;描繪;美如畫(huà)v.描繪;想像(熟義:圖片)

  Can you form a picture in your mind of what I pictured to you?你能想像得出我所描述的東西嗎?

  347. pick up 熟義:拾起,撿起;偶然發(fā)現(xiàn);弄到手;聽(tīng)到,得到(情報(bào),知識(shí));康復(fù),增加(速度)

  Train picked up the timber workers working in the forest farm every day. 用車(chē)接人

  348.pilot adj.試驗(yàn)性的v.帶領(lǐng)(熟義:飛行員)

  If the pilot survey goes well,we'll go into full production.如果試產(chǎn)順利,我們將面推廣。

  349.place n.職位;地位;(第……)名v.放置;安排職位(熟義:地方)

  She found a place in a store.她在商店找到個(gè)工作。

  350.take place  vi. 發(fā)生(勿望文生義)

  The wedding will take place next week.婚禮將在下周舉行。

  351.take the place of=take one's place接替(注意與上條的區(qū)別)

  My brother is ill and I've come to take his place.我哥病了,我來(lái)接替他的工作。

  352.in place 在本來(lái)的地方;適當(dāng)(勿望文生義)

  I hope you left all the books in the library in place.希望你把圖書(shū)館的書(shū)放在應(yīng)放置。

  353.in place of=instead of而不是(勿望文生義)

  We use chopsticks in place of knives and forks.我們用筷子而不用刀叉。

  354.in the place of=in one's place處于……的情況;代替

  What would you do in my place?如果你處于我的情況,你怎么辦?

  355.plane n.水平;平面adj.平的(熟義:飛機(jī))

  This species has reached a higher plane of development.這一種屬已達(dá)更高的階段.

  356. plant 熟義:n. 植物;工廠

  My parents planted a garden at the foot of the hill. vt.種植,栽種某物

  357. platform 熟義:n. 平臺(tái);講臺(tái);站臺(tái)

  The platform of the new party attaches great importance to environmental protection. n. 綱領(lǐng);宣言

  358.please  v.(使)高興;愿意(熟義:請(qǐng))

  She does what she pleases.她想做啥就做啥。

  359.with pleasure 可以(用于客氣的答語(yǔ)中)(熟義:高興地,高興得)

  “Could you put me up tonight?”“With pleasure.”今晚您能為我提供住宿嗎?“沒(méi)題。”

  360.pocket vt.侵吞;賺得(熟義:n.衣袋v.把……放入衣袋)

  It's simple---we buy them for $5,sell them for $8,and we pocket the difference.


  361. policy 熟義:n. 政策

  He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. n.保險(xiǎn)單,保險(xiǎn)憑證

  362. polish 熟義:vt. 擦亮;磨光

  His essay needs polishing. vt.潤(rùn)色

  363. pool 熟義:n. 水池;水塘

  If we pool the idea,we may find a better solution to the problem. v. 集中使用

  364.practically adv.幾乎,確實(shí)(熟義:實(shí)際上,從實(shí)際出發(fā))

  The hall was practically empty.大廳簡(jiǎn)直空空如也。

  365.practice n.慣例,習(xí)俗(熟義:實(shí)踐;練習(xí))

  According to the international practice,he shall be punished.根據(jù)國(guó)際慣例,他必須受罰。

  366. position 熟義:n.位置;職位

  What's your position on the problem. n.立場(chǎng);觀點(diǎn)

  367. possess 熟義:vt. 擁有

  A violent anger possessed him. vt.(感情,情緒等)支配;控制

  368. pound 熟義:n. 磅;英鎊

  No one can stand continuous pounding on the head. n.猛擊;連續(xù)重?fù)?br />
  369.present vt.介紹;贈(zèng)送(熟義:n.禮物adj.現(xiàn)在的;到場(chǎng)的)

  On Teachers'Day,students usually present flowers to the teachers.教師節(jié)學(xué)生通常給老師獻(xiàn)花。

  370.press 熟義:v. 壓

  He pressed her guests to stay a little longer. vt.勸說(shuō)

  371.promise v.有希望;可能會(huì)有(熟義:答應(yīng))

  The dark clouds promise rain.烏云密布,看來(lái)要下雨。

  372.no problem愿意干;不用謝;沒(méi)關(guān)系(熟義:沒(méi)困難)

  “Could you help me?”“No problem.”“幫我一下好嗎?”“當(dāng)然可以!”

  373. previous 熟義:adj. 先前的,以往的

  He died previous to my arrival. adj.時(shí)間上稍前的

  374. produce 熟義:v. 生產(chǎn)

  Please produce your ticket for inspection. v. 拿出;出示

  375. promise 熟義:v/n 許諾

  The dark clouds promise rain. v.有...的希望;使...有可能

  376. pronounced 熟義:v.發(fā)音

  The judge pronounced against her appeal. v.判決;宣布;宣稱(chēng)

  377.put away存儲(chǔ);打消;吃掉(熟義:收起來(lái)放好)

  He puts a little away every week for his grandson.他每周都為孫子存一點(diǎn)錢(qián)。

  378.put down寫(xiě)下;鎮(zhèn)壓;讓……下車(chē)(熟義:放下)

  The bus stopped to put down the passengers.公共汽車(chē)停下來(lái),讓乘客下車(chē)。


  Could you put me up for the night? put up(留……)住宿


  380.out of the question不可能;不允許(勿望文生義)

  Without a passport,leaving the country is out of the question.無(wú)護(hù)照要出國(guó)是不可能的。


  381. race 熟義:vt. 和...比賽 n. 賽跑

  Race to see what is happening. v.快速移動(dòng);快速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)

  382.raise  飼養(yǎng);種植;引起;招募(熟義:舉起,提高)

  The farmer raises cows and corn.這個(gè)農(nóng)民又種玉米又養(yǎng)牛。

  383. rate 熟義:n. 比率;速度

  These potatoes rate among the best. v.對(duì)...做出評(píng)價(jià);被評(píng)價(jià)為;被認(rèn)為

  384.rather than而不是,寧愿……也不愿……

  Rather than cause trouble,he left.他寧愿離去,也不愿自找麻煩。

  385.or rather更確切地(勿望文生義)

  He worked till late last night,or rather, early this morning.他一直工作到深夜,或者更確切地說(shuō),工作到今天凌晨。

  386. raw 熟義:adj 材料未加工的

  These fish are often eaten raw. adj.(食物等)生的,未煮的

  387.reach v.伸出(手、腳等);與……取得聯(lián)系(熟義:到達(dá))

  I couldn't reach him by phone this morning.早晨我給他打電話(huà)打不通。

  388. read 熟義:v. 閱讀

  I didn't read mother's thoughts at that time. v.理解;領(lǐng)會(huì)


  He realized the house.他賣(mài)了房子得到了現(xiàn)錢(qián)。

  390. receipt 熟義:n. 收據(jù),收條

  I will pay the money on receipt of the goods. n.接收,收到

  391. recover 熟義:v. 恢復(fù)健康,痊愈

  He almost fell, but succeeded in recovering himself. v.恢復(fù);重新控制

  392.refer to查閱;歸功于(熟義:指的是;提到)

  The speaker often refers to his notes.發(fā)言的人經(jīng)?粗v稿。

  393. reflect 熟義:vt. 映出;反射;表現(xiàn)

  I need time to reflect on your offer. v.沉思,思考 (與on/upon 連用)

  394. refresh 熟義:vt 使恢復(fù)精力

  Her words refreshed my memory. vt.提醒,提示,使想起


  The hostess served refreshments after the tennis match.網(wǎng)球比賽后,女主人端來(lái)了茶點(diǎn)。

  396. relate 熟義:v. 與...有關(guān);相關(guān)

  I related my adventure to my family. v. 講述

  397. religion  熟義:n. 宗教

  Tennis is a religion with John. n.特別的興趣

  398.remain  v.(繼續(xù))保持;(繼續(xù))存在(熟義:剩下)

  The door remains closed.門(mén)還是關(guān)著的。


  Please remember the waiter.(v.記得給小費(fèi))記住給服務(wù)員小費(fèi)。

  400. remote 熟義:adj. 偏遠(yuǎn)的,偏僻的

  He is a remote relative of mine. adj.關(guān)系較遠(yuǎn)的,遠(yuǎn)親的

  401. repair 熟義:v/n 修理

  How can I repair the damage I have caused? v.補(bǔ)救,彌補(bǔ)

  402. rest 熟義:v/n  休息

  She rested her head on his shoulder. v. 把...靠在...上

  Its success rested on the labour of half a million slaves. v. 依靠,依賴(lài)

  403. respect 熟義:v/n 尊敬;敬意

  He has no respect for the feelings of others. n. 重視;尊重;維護(hù)

  404.result in引起(注:result from因……而產(chǎn)生)

  The accident resulted in three deaths.這起事故導(dǎo)致了三人死亡。

  405.return n來(lái)回車(chē)票(熟義:回來(lái);歸還)

  Do you want a single or a return?你只買(mǎi)去的車(chē)票還是來(lái)回車(chē)票都買(mǎi)?

  406. review 熟義:vt 復(fù)習(xí)

  She reviewed what had happened. vt.回顧

  407. round  熟義:prep/adv  環(huán)繞,圍著;圓形的

  We are losing the game in the last round due to our complacency.  n. 回合,局;輪,場(chǎng)

  408.run v.競(jìng)選;運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);管理;用車(chē)送;褪色(熟義:跑)

  Teach me how to run the business.教我怎樣做買(mǎi)賣(mài)吧。

  A bright idea ran through my mind.  v. 快速移動(dòng)

  409.run out(of...)用完(熟義:從……跑出去)


  410. safe  熟義:adj. 安全的

  He is a safe man. You can count on him. adj. 謹(jǐn)慎的,不冒險(xiǎn)的

  411.the salt of the earth非常正派、誠(chéng)實(shí)的人(勿望文生義)

  Your grandmother is the salt of the earth.你祖母是個(gè)很誠(chéng)實(shí)的人。

  412.a(chǎn)t the same time盡管如此;但是(熟義:同時(shí))

  It cost a lot of money.At the same time,I think we shall need it and it will certainly be useful.它很貴,但是,我認(rèn)為我們需要它,它肯定有用。

  413.satisfy (熟義:使?jié)M意)

  The cold water satisfied our thirst.我們喝了涼水就不口渴了。

  He satisfied me that he could do the work well.他使我相信他能把這工作做好。

  She satisfied her hunger with an apple. v.滿(mǎn)足要求或需要

  414.save  v.節(jié)省;儲(chǔ)蓄;留給(某人);除了(熟義:挽救)

  They are saving for a house.他們?cè)诖驽X(qián)買(mǎi)房子。

  Will you save me a seat on the bus?在公共汽車(chē)上給我留個(gè)座,好嗎?

  415.You said it!我同意你的意見(jiàn)(勿望文生義)

  —Let's go home.咱們回家吧!

  —You said it.I'm too tired now.好吧。我也太累了。

  416. say  熟義:vt 說(shuō)

  Say that war breaks out, what will you do? vt.假定

  Her passport says he is nineteen. vt.(書(shū)面材料或可見(jiàn)的東西)提供信息,指示

  417.scene 吵架(熟義:風(fēng)景,場(chǎng)景)

  If you don't sit down and stop making a scene,I'm leaving.如果你不坐下來(lái),還要吵的話(huà),我就走了。

  418. scholarship  熟義:n. 獎(jiǎng)學(xué)金

  A writer with great scholarship can achieve great success. n.學(xué)問(wèn),學(xué)識(shí);學(xué)術(shù)成就

  419.screen n.紗窗;篩子vt.保護(hù)(熟義:屏幕)

  The curtain screened out sunlight.簾子遮擋陽(yáng)光。

  420. second  熟義:第二

  Mrs. Smith proposed the vote of thanks, and Mr. Jones seconded. v. 隨聲附和

  He raised a proposal that is seconded by few. v.贊成

  421.see vt.(在某段時(shí)期)發(fā)生/經(jīng)歷/經(jīng)受(熟義:看見(jiàn))

  The next years saw a series of bad harvests.以后幾年,收成都不好。

  This century has seen too many wars. vt.經(jīng)歷;有...的經(jīng)驗(yàn);體驗(yàn)

  422.see out(耐著性子)進(jìn)行到底(熟義:送某人出門(mén))

  I don't like the course but I'll see it out.我不喜歡這門(mén)課程,但是我還是耐著性子把它學(xué)完了。

  423.see to處理;負(fù)責(zé)(做);照顧(勿望文生義)

  I'll have to see to the window—the wood is rotten.我得弄一下這窗戶(hù)———這木頭都爛了。

  424.seeing conj.既然;考慮到(勿望文生義)

  We could have a joint party ,seeing(that)your birthday is the same day as mine.既然你我兩人一天生,那么我們就聯(lián)合起來(lái)開(kāi)個(gè)晚會(huì)吧。

  425. seize  熟義:vt. 抓。粡(qiáng)奪

  I couldn't seize the meaning of his remarks. vt.掌握,把握

  426.set (熟義:adj.確定的;v.放置;確定;n.一套)

  Are you all set for the journey?adj.準(zhǔn)備好;可能 (你們都為這次旅行準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?)

  She is having her hair set for the party. v.做頭發(fā)

  427.shall   aux.v.(在官方文件中用)表示“規(guī)定”(熟義:將)

  All payments shall be made by the end of the year.所有帳目務(wù)必在年底付清。

  428. sharp  熟義:adj. 鋒利的,銳利的

  I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. adj.劇烈的,猛烈的

  429. shoot  熟義:v. 射中,射擊

  The trees give out new shoots in spring. n.嫩芽,新枝

  430.shoot up   迅速增長(zhǎng)(勿望文生義)

  Your son's really shot up since we last saw him.從我們上次見(jiàn)到他之后,你兒子像射箭一般地長(zhǎng)高了許多。

  431.a(chǎn) big shot 重要人物(勿望文生義)

  His father is a big shot in the steel industry.是鋼鐵工業(yè)部門(mén)重要人物。

  432. shoulder 熟義:n. 肩膀

  Young people should learn to shoulder the duty/blame. vt.承擔(dān)

  433. simply  熟義:adv. 僅僅;只不過(guò)

  It is simply wonderful to see you! adv.(強(qiáng)調(diào)某說(shuō)法)確實(shí),簡(jiǎn)直

  434. sink  熟義:v. 下沉;沉沒(méi)

  Price are sinking slowly. v.下降,降低

  435.somebody pron.有一定地位的人物(熟義:某人)

  He is somebody in his town but he is nobody here.在他所在的鎮(zhèn)他是個(gè)赫赫有名的人物,但在這兒就算不了什么人物了。

  436. somehow adv.也不知道是什么原由;不知道怎么搞的(熟義:以某種方式)

  Somehow he is afraid of her.不知道是怎么的,他害怕她。

  437.something of 可以說(shuō)是一個(gè)(勿望文生義)

  He is something of a liar.他不太老實(shí)。

  438.the life and soul關(guān)鍵人物;中心人物(勿望文生義)

  He's such a good joke teller;he is the life and soul of any party.他很會(huì)講笑話(huà),他在任何晚會(huì)上都是中心人物。

  439. soul  熟義:n. 靈魂

  Hardly a soul is seen in the village. n. 人

  440.sound adj.(熟義:n.聲音;v.聽(tīng)起來(lái))

  The bodywork's sound but the engine needs repairing.(機(jī)器、身體等)沒(méi)有毛病的

  It is important to have a sound body. adj. 健康的

  My wife is a sound sleeper. adj. 酣睡的

  441.Spare (熟義:抽出;勻出)

  He spared the prisoner.v.饒;放過(guò)

  442.Spring (熟義:春天;泉水;彈簧)

  Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the town. v.猛然跳起;涌出 快餐店如雨后春筍般地在全鎮(zhèn)不斷地涌現(xiàn)出來(lái)。

  443. stamp  熟義:n. 郵票

  He stamped his feet in anger  v.跺腳,頓足

  444.stand v.忍受;仍然有效;保持原狀n.?dāng)偽唬財(cái)偅ㄊ炝x:站立)

  I can't stand waiting any longer.再等下去我可受不了啦!

  The order still stands.命令仍然有效。

  As things now stand,we shall win.像這樣下去,我們就能贏。

  445.stand for 容忍(常用于否定句)(熟義:代表)

  The teacher would not stand for such behavior.不能容忍這樣的行為。

  446.stand up  對(duì)……失約(熟義:站起來(lái))

  Jane cried when Bill stood her up on their first date.他們第一次約會(huì),比爾就失約,這使得珍妮哭了一場(chǎng)。

  447. start 熟義:v. 開(kāi)始;發(fā)動(dòng);開(kāi)創(chuàng)

  He started up from his seat.  v. 猛然跳起來(lái);突然移動(dòng)

  448.state v.陳述;說(shuō)明(熟義:州;狀態(tài))

  They gave him five minutes to state his views.他們給了他五分鐘,陳述他的觀點(diǎn)。

  449.station vt.駐扎(熟義:站,臺(tái),所,局)

  A PLA unit is now stationed at Hong Kong.人民解放軍某部現(xiàn)在駐扎在香港。

  450. steal 熟義:v. 偷

  He stole a glance of her in the mirror. v.快速或偷偷地取得

  451. strength 熟義:n. 力氣

  Maths is not my strength. 強(qiáng)項(xiàng)

  452.strike v.認(rèn)為;想到;發(fā)現(xiàn)(熟義:打擊;襲擊;罷工)

  It struck me that he was not telling the truth.我認(rèn)為他沒(méi)有講真話(huà)。

  An idea suddenly struck me.我突然想到了個(gè)主意。

  453.study n.書(shū)房(熟義:學(xué)習(xí);研究)

  He has a beautiful small old wooden study.他的書(shū)房小巧玲瓏,古色古香,純木結(jié)構(gòu)。

  454.subject  adj.(熟義:主題;科目)

  The subjects of this experiment were all men aged 18-25.n.(實(shí)驗(yàn)中)被試者 這次實(shí)驗(yàn)的被試者全是 18-25歲的男性。

  These areas are subject to strong winds.可能被……影響 這些地區(qū)常受到狂風(fēng)襲擊。

  The child is subject to cold. adj.易遭受...的

  455. succeed vt.(熟義:成功)

  Gingrich will succeed Foley as speaker of the House.金瑞琪將接替夫理當(dāng)眾議院議長(zhǎng)

  He will succeed Foley as speaker of the House. 繼承;接著……當(dāng)……

  Jim has just succeeded a large fortune from his uncle. v. 繼承

  456. surprise 熟義:v/n  使驚訝,驚奇

  Our troops surprised the enemy in the midnight. v.出其不意地襲擊或出現(xiàn)

  457.suppose =supposing conj.倘若(熟義:猜想;料想)

  Suppose it rains,what shall we do?假如下雨,我們?cè)趺崔k?

  458. sympathy 熟義: n. 同情

  Annie's sympathies lie firmly with the workers. n.贊同,支持

  459. swear to 熟義:v. 宣誓

  I would swear to having met him somewhere. =I would swear to it that I had met him somewhere. v. 斷言;肯定;保證


  460.take up 開(kāi)始學(xué)習(xí)(某課程);從事(某活動(dòng))(熟義:占(時(shí)間/空間)

  He dropped medicine and took up physics.他棄醫(yī)從理。

  461. team  熟義:n. 隊(duì),組

  Would you like to team up with us?  v.(與某人)一起工作,合作

  262.tell v.(熟義:告訴;講述)

  Good teaching will always tell.起作用;產(chǎn)生效果;

  He couldn't tell which house it was. vt.判斷/區(qū)分

  She cracked a smile that told her joy. v.顯示,顯露

  463. through 熟義:adj. 徹底的,完全的

  She is a very thorough worker. adj.做事深入細(xì)致的

  464. ticket 熟義:n. 票

  The new driver got a ticket for speeding. n.罰單,罰款單

  465. tie 熟義:vt. 栓,系

  They tied with the visiting team in the game. vi. 打成平手

  466.in time 經(jīng)過(guò)一段時(shí)間之后;最后(熟義:及時(shí))

  Don't worry—I'm sure things will get better in time.不要著急——隔一段時(shí)間之后一切都會(huì)好的。

  467.tip  n.點(diǎn)子;主意;勸告;情報(bào)(熟義:小費(fèi);尖端;梢)

  Here is a useful tip on how to deal with online friends.下面給你介紹一條有用的建議,怎樣處理網(wǎng)友的問(wèn)題。

  468. touch  熟義:n/v. 接觸

  I feel a touch of tenderness from mom's words.  n. 少許,微量

  Vegetables were touched by the frost(霜凍).  vt. 害到,傷害

  469 . treat  熟義:vt. 對(duì)待;處理;治療

  Her son's visit are a great treat for her. n.(難得的)樂(lè)事

  It's my treat this time. n.請(qǐng)客,款待

  470. turn to 找(某人尋求幫助等);求助于(熟義:翻到;轉(zhuǎn)到;變成)

  They always turned to me when they were in trouble.當(dāng)他們遇到麻煩的時(shí)候,他們總是來(lái)找我。

  471.in turn 又反過(guò)來(lái)(熟義:依次;輪流)

  Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.理論的基礎(chǔ)是實(shí)踐,又反過(guò)來(lái)為實(shí)踐服務(wù)。

  472. twist  熟義:v. 使彎曲變形

  The river twisted toward the sea. v. (道路,河流等)曲折,蜿蜒

  473. ravel  熟義:v/n. 旅行

  The news traveled fast. v. 以某速度傳播


  474. understand  熟義:vt. 理解

  I understand that you are planning to go to Africa. vt. 知悉,了解,據(jù)聞

  475. uniform 熟義:n. 制服

  The boxes are uniform in weight. adj.相同的,一致的

  476. undertake  熟義:v. 承擔(dān);采取;從事

  I can't undertake that you will make a profit. v.承諾;允諾;答應(yīng)

  477.under way 在進(jìn)行(勿望文生義)

  Plans to save the boy are under way.挽救那個(gè)男孩的計(jì)劃正在進(jìn)行中。


  478. vain  熟義:adj. 徒勞的,沒(méi)結(jié)果的

  She is vain of her beauty.  adj. 虛榮的;自視過(guò)高的

  479. vehicle  熟義:n. 交通工具

  We must find out the vehicle of the disease at first. n.媒介;載體

  480. vote (熟義:投票)

  I vote(that)we go home.v.建議(口語(yǔ))


  481. walk  熟義:v/n  行走,步行

  This society welcomes people from all walks of life. n.行業(yè)

  482. wander  熟義:v. 漫游,游蕩,漫步

  Don't wander from the point. v.離開(kāi)原處或正道

  Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. v.走神;神志恍惚;思想開(kāi)小差

  483.give way 崩潰;讓步(勿望文生義)

  The thin ice gave way under the skater.薄冰在滑冰者的腳下崩裂了。

  484.wear (熟義:穿,戴)

  His clothes began to wear.v.磨壞

  You'll find this material won't wear.v.  經(jīng)磨;耐用

  485. wear  熟義: vt. 穿戴

  The girl always wears a happy smile. vt. 表露

  The old man wears a heavy beard. v. 留;蓄

  486. weigh  熟義:v. 稱(chēng)...的重量;重達(dá)

  Please the advantages and disadvantages of doing this. v.權(quán)衡;斟酌

  487.weight 熟義:n. 重量

  How much weight will be attached to his decision? n.分量;重要性

  488.well off  有錢(qián);富裕(勿望文生義)

  His parents are quite well off;they have just bought him a new car for his birthday.他父母很有錢(qián),他們剛給他買(mǎi)了一輛新車(chē)作為他的生日禮物。

  489.while conj.只要;既然;雖然 n.一段時(shí)間(熟義:當(dāng)…時(shí)候;而)

  While there is life ,there is hope.留得青山在,不怕沒(méi)柴燒。

  While she is a likeable girl ,she can be difficult to work with.盡管這姑娘很可愛(ài),但在一起工作卻很難配合。

  490.will 毅力;遺囑(熟義:將)

  His iron will forced us not to give up.n.意志;意志力

  What did it say in the will. n.遺囑

  491. with  熟義: prep. 與..., 以...

  With more money I would be able to buy it. prep. 若是

  492..work  熟義:n.工作,(書(shū)/畫(huà)/音樂(lè))作品

  Yes,I think your plan will work .v.起作用

  The young man worked a large farm.vt.  管理

  493. workshop  熟義:n. 車(chē)間;工場(chǎng)

  I attended a educational workshop not long ago. n.講習(xí)班,研討班

  494..work out  得到圓滿(mǎn)解決;進(jìn)行情況(好/……);理解(熟義:算出;制定出)

  Things will work out if you have patient.如果你有耐心,事情會(huì)得到圓滿(mǎn)解決的。

  I can't work out the meaning of this poem.我不能理解這首詩(shī)的含義。

  495. whip 熟義:n. 鞭子 v 抽打,拍打

  She whipped it into her pocket. v.突然拿、取、移動(dòng)(她迅速地把它塞進(jìn)衣袋

  496. wicked 熟義:adj. 邪惡的,惡劣的,缺德的

  Dave used to be a wicked child when he was young. adj.淘氣的,頑皮的

  497. wit  熟義:n. 智力,才智

  His remarks if filled with wits. n.風(fēng)趣,妙語(yǔ)

  498. wrap  熟義:n. vt 包,裹

  Mind you wrap up well if you go out. n.圍巾,披肩 (你出外的話(huà)要圍好圍巾 )


  499. yield  熟義:n. 產(chǎn)量,收益 v. 生產(chǎn),出產(chǎn)

  I would rather die than yield. vi. 讓步,屈服,投降

  500. yard  熟義:n. 院子,庭院;場(chǎng)院

  Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain?  n. 碼(1碼 = 3英尺 = 36英寸 ≈ 0.914米)

[標(biāo)簽:高中英語(yǔ) 英語(yǔ)復(fù)習(xí)方法]






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