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您現(xiàn)在的位置:首頁 > 高考資源網(wǎng) > 高中教案 > 高一英語教案 > 高一英語教案:《Highlights and teaching objectives》教學(xué)設(shè)計(8)







高一英語教案:《Highlights and teaching objectives》教學(xué)設(shè)計(8)

來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)整理 2018-11-26 14:17:31

  Step 8 Reading the Thank-you letter

  Let the students read the thank-you letter on page 35. Ask them to find the answers to the following questions:

  1.Who wrote the letter?

  2.To whom is the letter written?

  3.Why is the letter written?

  Then ask them to decide which statements are true and which are false according to the letter. Have them correct the false sentences.


  Finish all the exercises in the Workbook

  Period 8 Task 3 Writing a dialogue

  Teaching objectives:

  1. To develop writing skills by reading the tips.

  2. To understand the mood of the Mum’s and Jack’s feelings.

  Important and difficult points:

  Writing a dialogue.

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Reading

  1. Read the instructions and know some tips of writing a dialogue.

  2. Read Part A and discuss what is wrong with the underlined sentences.

  a. ‘Umm’ or ‘hmm’ shouldn’t be included in a written dialogue.

  b. We shouldn’t use ‘My room is too dirty’, ‘My room is a mess’, ‘clean up’ and ‘cleaning’, because in a written dialogue what has just been said shouldn’t be repeated.

  c. In a written dialogue we should write a sentence that shows the speaker is very angry instead of the sentence ‘I’m really very angry with you.’

  3. Read again and do Part B.

  A. The sentences that show Mum is unhappy or angry:

  Come and look.

  Don’t you talk to me like that?

  You should start cleaning now if you plan to leave!

  B. The sentences that show Jack’s mood:

  This is so unfair! I’ll never have enough time.

  But I don’t think you’re being fair at all!

  Step 2 Reading the Thank-you letter

  1. Work in groups of 3 and present a dialogue. Keep the tips in mind.

  2 Get the students to know:

  The following should be included in your dialogue.

  a. What happened between Christina and her mother?

  b. What did Christina do then?

  c. How as the problem solved?

  Step 4  Consolidation

  Role-play the dialogue in three.


  Finish the exercises about vocabulary, grammar and task on the learning plan.

  Period 9 Project Writing an advice letter

  Teaching objectives:

  1.To learn two letters about the problems that happened between the father and his son.

  2.To learn about some words and expressions in them.

  3.Enable the students to write an advice letter.

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Reading

  Let the students read the first letter written by the father. Ask them to find out the answers to the following questions:

  1.Why does the father write the letter?

  2.What does the father think about his son?

  3.What is the father worrying about?

  Play the tape for the students to listen to and follow. Underline the important phrases and patterns in it.

  Then ask the students to read the second letter, which is written by the son. Ask them to find out the answers to the following questions:

  1.Why does the son write the letter?

  2.What are his problems?

  3.How does he feel about his father?

  Then play the tape for the students to listen to. Underline the important phrases and patterns in it.

  Step 2 Language explanation

  Take out the learning plan and deal with the language points in the project section.


  1.Read the passage in Part A in the workbook on page 101 and see how the writer presents his arguments against smoking.

  2.Write a short passage for Part B.

  Period 10 A Composition

  Teaching aim

  To improve students’ writing ability by correcting some common mistakes in their writing and by reciting the model answer.

  Teaching aids: the computer

  Teaching procedures






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