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高三英語教案:《My teacher》教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)

來源:精品學(xué)習(xí)網(wǎng) 2018-11-13 18:30:04

  高三英語教案 My teacher


  詞匯:l.burst into laughter 2.look back upon 3.born作形容詞,表示“天生的” 4.Simple-minded 5.bring… into touch with(這里的into可以與in互換) 6.human beings 7.pity sb. 8.once作連詞的用法 9.be struck by… 10.never…until… 11.keep on doing(sth.)與keep doing(sth.) 12.No matter +關(guān)系代詞/關(guān)系副詞的用法 13.Owe… to… 14.vote for 15.in praise of


  日常交際用語:l.I wonder if I could…

  2.Would/Do you mind if I …?

  3.Go ahead.

  4.You’d better not.

  5.Of course./Yes./Sure./Certainly.




  1.born(adj.) 相當(dāng)于destined to be, 意為天生的,生來的,在句中可作定語和表語。如:

  George was a born leader. 喬治是天生的領(lǐng)袖。

  No one is a born slave. 沒有人生來就是奴隸。

  All men are born the same, and equal. 所有人出生時(shí)都是一樣的,都是平等的。


  We were struck by the professor’s speech.教授的演講給我們留下深刻印象。

  Everyone was struck with its beauty.它的美麗給大家留下深刻印象。

  How does the plan strike you?你對計(jì)劃的印象如何?

  3.短語動詞get back相當(dāng)于return to a former condition,or to a point formerly reached,意為恢復(fù),回復(fù)到。如:

  He has got his strength back after his illness.他病后體力已經(jīng)恢復(fù)了。

  The student was glad to get back to his books after a vacation that had seemed too long.在似乎過于漫長的假期后學(xué)生樂于回到書本上來。

  get back還可作“回來”(come back),“后退”(move backwards or away),“收回”(gain)解。如:

  I never lend books; it’s difficult to get them back.我從不把書借出,很難討回書。

  Get back! The roof is falling!往后退!屋頂要塌了!

  He has just got back from his long journey.他長途旅行后已回來。


  This was a demanding job, but he didn’t refuse it.這是一件費(fèi)事的工作,但他并未拒絕。

  We have to look after the demanding boy.我們不得不照顧那個(gè)難對付的孩子。

  5.owe(v.)原作“欠錢”,“欠債”解,引申作“欠情”,“感恩”,“感激”,“歸功于”解。owe sth.to sb.這一結(jié)構(gòu)表示欠某人某物。如:

  I own 50 dollars to him. (= I owed him 50 dollars. ) 我欠他50美元。

  We own a great deal to our parents and teachers.我們應(yīng)對父母和老師感恩戴德。

  I own my knowledge of English to my father. (= I own thanks to my father for the knowledge of English.)我的英語知識是父親教給我的。

  6.短語動詞keep on + v-ing相當(dāng)于continue + to-v/v-ing意為“繼續(xù)”,“不顧困難而堅(jiān)持下去或堅(jiān)持做某事”。如:

  Although it started raining, they kept on working.雖然開始下雨了,他們?nèi)岳^續(xù)堅(jiān)持工作。

  The teacher kept on asking the students questions until the bell rang.老師不斷向?qū)W生提問,直到鈴響。

  keep doing sth.和keep on doing sth.意義及用法相同,但后者更強(qiáng)調(diào)決心和重要性。如:

  He kept coughing all morning.他整個(gè)上午不停地咳嗽。

  He kept on phoning me, but I really didn’t want to talk to him.他不斷給我打電話,但我實(shí)在不想和他說話。

  keep或keep on后跟表示動作的-ing形式,不可接動詞不定式或表示靜止?fàn)顟B(tài)的-ing形式,不能說He kept on to talk. 也不能說They kept on sitting.

  7.as well as意為和,同;不但……而且。如果主語是單數(shù),后面有as well as引起的短語,謂語動詞仍用單數(shù)。如:

  On Sundays, his landlady provided dinners as well as breakfast.星期日,房東供應(yīng)他正餐和早餐。

  Lily as well as Lucy was at home.莉莉和露西都在家里。

  as well as還可作“不但……而且”解,相當(dāng)于not only…but also,但前者強(qiáng)調(diào)句子重心在as well as前,后者強(qiáng)調(diào)重心在but also后。如:

  We students of English should study Chinese as well as English. ( =We students of English should study not only English but also Chinese. ) 我們學(xué)英語的學(xué)生不但要學(xué)英語,還要學(xué)漢語。

  It is important for you as well as for me.它對你和對我同樣重要。

  8.短語go crazy意為發(fā)狂,發(fā)傻,發(fā)瘋。go(link-v.)表示“變?yōu)?rdquo;,后跟形容詞,有時(shí)跟過去分詞等。如:

  Your hair has gone quite white.你的頭發(fā)全白了。

  She went pale at the news.聽見這消息她臉色變蒼白。

  The children must not go hungry.孩子們不應(yīng)該挨餓。

  Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.熱天里的水果很快腐爛。

  All the men here go armed.這里所有的人武裝起來。


  He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

  My dreams came true at last.我的夢想終于實(shí)現(xiàn)了。

  Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.春天里天氣越來越暖和。


  1.課文中struggling in…是現(xiàn)在分詞短語作原因狀語,相當(dāng)于:As I struggled in…。如:

  Being old enough to learn to read and write, she was sent to a nearby primary school.由于她年齡大得可以學(xué)讀書寫字了,她被送往附近的小學(xué)上學(xué)。

  Not knowing how to find the place, I went to ask a policeman.由于不知道如何找到地方,我去問警察。

  struggle (v./n.)意為奮斗,斗爭;掙扎(著走)等。如:

  He struggled in the dark, without advice, without encouragement.他在黑暗中奮力掙扎,無人給他指教或鼓勵(lì)。

  A bird was caught in the net and was struggling to get free.一只鳥被捕落網(wǎng),正掙扎著試圖得到自由。

  He tried to escape but his struggles were useless.他試圖逃跑,但他的掙扎是徒勞的。

  5.表語 連系動詞加表語構(gòu)成復(fù)合謂語。表語通常說明主語的身份、特征、狀態(tài)等。表語通常由下列詞類表示。


  Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷鋒仍然是我們心目中的英雄。

  This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.這是別人的外套,不是我的。


  Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八歲時(shí)母親去世。

  My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的話很不規(guī)范,很不好聽。

  Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.請保持安靜!我有要事告訴你。


  Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

  Bill is always the first to arrive.比爾總是第一個(gè)到。


  To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼見為實(shí)。

  One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

  I must have appeared to them to be simple.對他們來說我準(zhǔn)是一個(gè)頭腦簡單的人。

  The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困難是為湯姆找工作。


  I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

  He has been away on a long trip.他離家去長途旅行。


  Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先認(rèn)識到這一點(diǎn)的人中的一個(gè)。

  How long has Bill been in bed? 比爾臥床休息多久了?


  The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有臥室的三倍大。

  He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去聽課的路上被一名游客攔住問路。


  Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire someone who has already some work experience.打零工還有另一個(gè)很好的理由,這就是雇主通常喜歡雇傭有些工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)的人。

  6.連系動詞 連系動詞除be外,通常還有下面三類:


  He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

  You will grow stronger each time.你每次都會變得更強(qiáng)壯。

  2)表示處于、保持某種狀態(tài),有stay,remain,keep,turn out,prove,stand等。如:

  Although he has made great achievements, he remains modest.雖然他取得巨大成功,仍保持謙虛。

  I’m sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected.很抱歉我犯了錯(cuò)誤。我將被指正。

  The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周氣溫保持炎熱。

  I hope it will turn out better.我希望情況會好些。


  The fish soup tasted delicious.魚湯嘗起來很可口。

  The flowers smell sweet.花聞起來香。

  She always seemed well pleased,happy and contented.她似乎總是高興,愉快和滿足。




  Lei Feng remains a hero in our minds.雷鋒仍然是我們心目中的英雄。

  This is someone else’s coat. It’s not mine.這是別人的外套,不是我的。


  Her mother died when she was eight years old.她八歲時(shí)母親去世。

  My speech was ill-formed and not pleasant to hear.我的話很不規(guī)范,很不好聽。

  Please keep quiet! I’ve something important to tell you.請保持安靜!我有要事告訴你。


  Two and two is four.二加二等于四。

  Bill is always the first to arrive.比爾總是第一個(gè)到。


  To see is to believe. (或Seeing is believing. ) 眼見為實(shí)。

  One of the first things Annie did was to teach me how to play.在安妮最先做的事情中,有一件事就是教我怎么玩耍。

  I must have appeared to them to be simple.對他們來說我準(zhǔn)是一個(gè)頭腦簡單的人。

  The greatest difficulty was finding a job for Tom.最大的困難是為湯姆找工作。


  I’m afraid I must be off now.恐怕我得走了。

  He has been away on a long trip.他離家去長途旅行。


  Annie was among the first to realize it.安妮是最先認(rèn)識到這一點(diǎn)的人中的一個(gè)。

  How long has Bill been in bed? 比爾臥床休息多久了?


  The classroom is three times the size of the bedroom.教室有臥室的三倍大。

  He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction.他在去聽課的路上被一名游客攔住問路。


  Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually perfer to hire  someone who has already some work experience.打零工還有另一個(gè)很好的理由,這就是雇主通常喜歡雇傭有些工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)的人。




  He has run out of ink.他用完了墨水。

  You will grow stronger each time.你每次都會變得更強(qiáng)壯。

  2)表示處于、保持某種狀態(tài),有stay,remain,keep,turn out,prove,stand等。如:

  Although he has made great achievements, he remains modest.雖然他取得巨大成功,仍保持謙虛。

  I’m sorry for the mistake. I stand corrected.很抱歉我犯了錯(cuò)誤。我將被指正。

  The temperature has stayed hot this week.本周氣溫保持炎熱。

  I hope it will turn out better.我希望情況會好些。


  The fish soup tasted delicious.魚湯嘗起來很可口。

  The flowers smell sweet.花聞起來香。

  She always seemed well pleased,happy and contented.她似乎總是高興,愉快和滿足。






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