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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2018-10-21 21:15:03


  fear: The feeling that one has when danger is near.

  (可怕) dread: A great fear esp. of some harm to come.

  It suggests fear of facing whatever is coming. Usually dread also means loss of courage.

  Illness is the great dread of his life.

  (畏懼) fright: The feeling or experience of fear. sudden great fear.

  I nearly died of fright at the sight of escaped lion.

  (恐慌) alarm: Sudden fear and anxiety as caused by the possibility of

  danger and excitement caused by fear of danger.

  The news caused great alarm.

  (恐懼) terror: Extreme and intense fear.

  The people ran from the enemy in terror.

  (恐怖 戰(zhàn)栗) horror: A feeling of great shock, fear and dislike.

  I cried out in horror as I saw the man killed.

  (驚恐萬狀) panic: Sudden uncontrollable quickly-spreading fear or terror, which results in unreasonable and frantic activity.

  When I realized the situation I got into a panic.

  (敬畏) awe: A feeling respect mixed with fear and wonder.

  He always stands in awe of his father.


  shine: The most general one.

  (閃耀) glitter: To shine brightly with flashing points of light.

  All that glitters is not gold.

  (發(fā)火花) sparkle: To shine in small flashes.

  It suggests uneven, bright flashes reflected from light-catching objects.

  We can see a diamond sparkling in the sunlight.

  (閃光) flash: To give out a sudden and monetary bright ray of light/

  To shine suddenly for a moment.

  (閃耀) glisten: To shine from or as if from a wet surface.

  His hair glistened with oil. The wet road glistened.

  (閃爍) gleam: To send out a bright light moderately, mildly not violently.

  A cat's eye gleamed in the dark. The lantern gleamed.

  (冒火花) spark: To send out small bits of fire.

  He was so angry that his eyes sparked furiously.

  (閃爍不定) flicker: To burn unsteadily, shine with an unsteady light.

  The candle flickered and then went out.

  glimmer: To give a very faint, unsteady light.

  The lights glimmered in the distance.

  (閃爍) twinkle: To shine with a unsteady light that rapidly changes from fright to faint.

  The stars are twinkling in the sky in the evening.

  glow: To give out heat and/or light without flames or smoke.

  The iron bar was heated until it glowed.

  (閃爍) glint: To give out small flashes of light, as the eyes of an eager person are supposed to do

  The sun glinted through the leaves after the shower.

  (眩光) glare: To shine with a strong light in a way unpleasant to the eyes.

  The lights of the car glared at me.

  flame: To burn brightly.

  You can see the burning log flaming.

  (冒火苗) blaze: To burn with a bright flame.

  the house is blazing.

  (閃閃燃燒) flare: To burn with a bright flame, but uncertainly or for a  short time.

  The candles flared in the wind.

  dazzle: To make unable to see because of a sudden very strong light.

  The headlight dazzles.

  coruscate: (fml) to flash, sparkle.

  The sparks coruscated.


  The gems scintillate.


  big: Large in size, extent or important.

  large: Much bigger than average

  great: Very large, important, and good.

  great change / great writer / great idea.

  huge: Very fig in size, amount and degree.

  It stresses volume.(體積)

  a huge house/ make a huge profit.

  vast: Very large and wide, great in size or amount.

  It stresses area.(體積)two dimensional extensions

  It is a vast expanse of desert.

  vast plains/ vast majority / at vast expanse.

  immense: Very great in size or degree./very large or huge.

  It stresses three dimensional largesse.

  It implies immeasurableness.

  an immense palace/ immense importance

  The government will build an immense stadium.

  enormous: Extremely large./very large in size, amount or degree.

  It stresses not only size but degree.

  It implies abnormality.

  He earned enormous sums of money

  an enormous animal/ enormous appetite/ enormous amount

  tremendous: Extraordinarily large in size, amount or degree. / large or impressive

  It implies astonishment, terror.

  tremendous speed / tremendous noise/ tremendous amount /tremendous feeling.

  gigantic: Immense in size, on a very large scale like a giant.

  titanic: Very big or important.

  It refers back to the Titans, a race of giant in Greek mythology. It stresses force and power.

  We've made titanic effort to achieve our purpose.

  colossal: Very large indeed.

  It comes from Colossus of Rhodes a huge statue that is

  one of the wonders of the ancient world.

  It implies incredibility.


  feeling(s): It can refer to mind or body. It's either pleasant or painful.

  (感覺) sensation: (u c n) A direct feeling coming from the senses and conveyed to the nervous system by the organs of seeing,  hearing, touching, tasting or smelling. Sugar gives a sensation of sweetness.

  (激情) emotion: (c n) Any of the strong feelings of the human spirit Love, joy, anger, hatred and grief are emotions.

  His speech had an effect on our emotions rather than our reason.

  (強(qiáng)烈的激情) passion: Strong emotions, strong, deep often uncontrollable

  feeling, esp. of sexual love, hatred or anger.

  The poet expressed his burning passion for the woman he loved.

  (情操 情趣) sentiment: (u c n) A tender or fine feeling as of pity, love,  sadness or imaginative remembrance of the past.

  It's not a beautiful watch, but I wear it for sentiment  because it is my father's. Admiration, patriotism and loyalty are sentiments.

  34.工作 職業(yè)

  work: (u n) A very general one.

  job: (c n) Any sort of gainful regular employment whether

  permanent or temporary.

  He had a good jog in a bank.

  profession: It suggests a position that can't be gained without a  considerable amount of higher education.

  It implies intellectual work, scholarship and mainly refers to three learned professions-law, medicine and  theology.

  What do you think of the profession to be a teacher?

  occupation: What he is engaged in, either continuously or temporarily, for any purpose, whether of profit of amusement, learning.

  Can you find occupation suitable for his abilities.

  employment: (u n) What one is doing, work done in service of another in order to make a living or get pay./temporary business,

  The government gives some money to the worker out of  employment.

  vocation: (c n) A job which one does because one thinks one has a special fitness or ability or sense of duty.

  It suggests the people do it in order to help others not for the earning of a livelihood. teaching and nursing. Teaching children ought or be a vocation as well as a way of earning money.

  position: (fml) A job, post, usually involving professions managerial or clerical work, not manual.

  She got a position as a governess.

  He lost his position as steward.


  stop: The most general one.

  pause: To stop for a short time.

  He paused to pick up a stone.

  cease: To stop moving or acting.

  It implies a total extinction.

  They ceased (from) quarrelling. to cease fire.

  quit: To stop doing something and leave.

  It implies the meaning of "voluntarily and completely."

  He quitted his school/job.

  halt: To cause to stop.

  It refers to the abrupt, decisive termination of movement.

  It implies the meaning of "by authority or force."

  The soldiers halted for a rest.

  knock off: (infm)To stop

  terminate: To come to an end.

  The two countries terminated their relations.


  durable: Long-lasting

  It refers to the power to resist change, delay and wear.

  we must make a durable peace.

  (ever)-lasting: Continuing for a long time/unending.

  It refers to something that may end sooner or later. a lasting sorrow/ a ever-lasting friendship.

  perpetual: (strongest one) Lasting for ever or a long time.

  /uninterrupted happening often. It refers chiefly to an activity that is not susceptible to interruption.

  I'm tired of your perpetual complainants/chatters.

  permanent: Lasting for ever.

  The permanent of the treaty is in doubt.

  enduring: Lasting and continuing to exist.

  It implies great resistance to both time and change.


  journey: The most general one.

  it is now usually used of travel by sand and often

  suggests the covering of considerable time or distance,  and a direct going from a starting point to a destination, with no necessary implication of a return.

  travel: A passing from place to place, not necessarily in a direct line or with fixed destination.

  trip: (infm) It suggests the covering of shorter time or distance and a direct journey and implies an final return to the starting point.

  tour: A journey that returns to the starting point, and many places are visited generally over a considerable distance often by means of a circuitous route. for instance for sightseeing, inspection, honey moon,  business.

  excursion: It emphasizes a temporary departure from a given place  and specifies a return to it. It can point to a sea or land tour or to a short outing a short journey made  for pleasure usu by several people together.

  voyage: A long journey on a ship or in a spacecraft.






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