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首頁 > 本科留學(xué) > 雅思寫作 > 雅思(ielts)考試寫作漢英互譯練習(xí)


2014-12-25 16:24:08留學(xué)網(wǎng)整理


  1 許多人相信科技的最大弊端就是它可能會帶來一些難以想象的消極影響。

  參考答案:1 Many people believe that the biggest disadvantage of technology is that it may give rise to some unimaginative negative influences.

  2 計算機(jī)會使人們喪失想象和創(chuàng)造力這一事實(shí)使我相信其是禍而非福。

  參考答案:2 The fact that computers deprive people of their imagination and creativity makes me believe that they are a curse rather than a blessing.

  3 毫無疑問互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的快速發(fā)展使得許多人相信它是萬能良藥然而情況并非總是如此。

  參考答案:3 It goes without saying that the eye-catching development of the Internet makes many people believe that it is cure-all solution. However, it is not always the case.

  4 無可否認(rèn)博物館可以扮演一個教育的作用,因為它給公眾提供一個好的機(jī)會去研究他們國家的歷史和傳統(tǒng)。

  參考答案:4 It cannot be denied that museums can play an educational role for the simple reason that they provide the public with a good opportunity to study their countries’ history and tradition.

  5 許多人沒能夠意識到這樣一個重要的事實(shí)語言的多樣性將會極大的推動文化的發(fā)展。也許這就是為什么許多語言現(xiàn)在正處于瀕臨滅絕的境地。

  參考答案:5 Many people fail to take into account the vital fact that the diversity of languages will enhance the cultural development and that is why so many languages are on a verge of extinction .

  6 沒有任何的一樣?xùn)|西能像電視這樣毀譽(yù)參半。

  參考答案:6 Nothing has received more praise and abuse than TV.

  7 毫無疑問,家庭成員之間的關(guān)系已經(jīng)不像以前那么親密。

  參考答案:7 There is no doubt that the relationship between family members is not as close as it used to be.

  8 廣告之所以盛行主要在于它們的信息容量很大。

  參考答案:8 The reason why advertisements are so prevailing is that they are informative .

  9 互連網(wǎng)是如此盛行因此沒有人可以避免不受到它的影響。

  參考答案:9 So prevailing is the Internet that nobody can avoid being influenced by it.

  10 可想而知,從事兼職工作可以培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的獨(dú)立性和團(tuán)隊合作精神。

  參考答案:10 It is conceivable that students taking part-time jobs can cultivate their independence and team-work spirit.

  11 當(dāng)前的教育模式遠(yuǎn)不能讓人滿足。

  參考答案:11 The present educational patterns leave much to be desired.

  12 造成該現(xiàn)象的最主要原因在于過度工業(yè)化似乎已經(jīng)成了一種無法避免的趨勢。

  參考答案:12 The most obvious reason for this phenomenon is that over-industrialization seems to be an unavoidable trend.

  13 文化多元化對人類文明而言就如空氣之對于地球。

  參考答案:13 The cultural diversity is to human civilization what air is to the earth.

  14 造成該現(xiàn)象的原因有許多。

  參考答案:14 There are probably many reasons contributing to this phenomenon.

  15 一談到計算機(jī),人們持有不同的看法。

  參考答案:15 When it comes to computers, people hold divergent views.

[標(biāo)簽:海外留學(xué) 語言考試 雅思]






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