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首頁 > 本科留學(xué) > 托福閱讀 > 解密新托福閱讀考試指代類問題題型


2014-12-25 16:15:52留學(xué)網(wǎng)整理

  指代類問題(Reference Questions)是新托福閱讀考試每次必考題型,因此每次IBT考試我們都能看到一個(gè)熟悉的詞組“refer to ”,這是指代類問題的標(biāo)志。一般來說,3篇IBT閱讀題目中會(huì)有2至3道這種類型的題目。本文將帶領(lǐng)廣大IBT考生解密Reference Questions ,以助考生考到理想成績。



  ◆ The word X in the passage refers to





  1. 看題干,確定指代詞類型。

  2. 帶著題干主線索回原文找到陰影代詞,根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容確定答案。(注意:在文章中,指代內(nèi)容通常在代詞之前出現(xiàn),但有時(shí)也會(huì)出現(xiàn)在帶代詞后。指代內(nèi)容可能與代詞在同一個(gè)句子,也可能在另一個(gè)句子中出現(xiàn)。)

  3. 將所選的答案替代被標(biāo)識(shí)的單詞或短語放回原文,利用語法檢驗(yàn)它能否使句子表達(dá)通順。

  我們以O(shè)G Practice Set 6中的question 2為例:

  Passage: Tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made streamlining in to an art form. Their bodies are sleek and compact. The body shapes of tunas, in fact, are nearly ideal from engineering point of view. Most species lack scales over most of the body, making it smooth and slippery. The eyes lie flush with the body and do not produce at all. They are also covered with a slick, transparent lid that reduces drag. The fins are stiff, smooth, and narrow, qualities that also help cut drag. When not in use, the fins are tucked into special grooves or depressions so that they lie flush with the body and do not break up its smooth contours…

  The word they in the passage refers to

  ○ qualities

  ○ fins

  ○ grooves

  ○ depressions

  解題:首先根據(jù)題干我們可以看出此題中考查的是人稱代詞they的指代內(nèi)容;然后在文中定位到陰影they 所在句子。而我們都知道在主從句中,從句的代詞主語通常指代主句的名詞主語,而主句的代詞主語通常指代從句的名詞主語,因此我們可以初步得出答案為 fins;把fins放回原文利用語法檢查,它能夠使句子表達(dá)通順,因此可以確定正確答案為fins。


  ◆     就近原則。所謂就近原則即為代詞(尤其關(guān)系代詞)一般指代離它最近的名詞或代詞。例:

  Passage: … The first weekly newspaper in the colonies was the Boston Gazette, established in 1719, the same year that marked the appearance of Philadelphia’s first newspaper, the American Mercury, where the young Benjamin Franklin worked. By 1760, Boston had 4 newspapers and 5 other printing establishments; Philadelphia, 2 newspapers and 3 other presses; and New York, 3 newspapers. The distribution, if not the sale, of newspapers was assisted by the establishment of a postal service in 1710, which had a network of some 65 offices by 1770, serving all 13 colonies…

  The word which in the passage refers to

  ○ distribution

  ○ sale

  ○ newspaper

  ○ postal service

  解題:首先根據(jù)題干我們可以看出此題中考查的是關(guān)系代詞which的指代內(nèi)容;然后在文中定位到陰影which所在句子,根據(jù)就近原則搜索,我們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)指代內(nèi)容在代詞之前出現(xiàn),并且與代詞在同一句子中,postal service可以初步定為答案;把postal service放回原文檢查,語法正確并且符合語義和邏輯,因此可以確定正確答案為postal service。

  ◆     數(shù)格一致原則。所謂數(shù)格一致原則即為被指代對(duì)象通常與指代詞在數(shù)(單數(shù)或復(fù)數(shù))和格(第一人稱、第二人稱、第三人稱)兩方面相同。如單數(shù)代詞it指代第三人稱的單數(shù)名詞,復(fù)數(shù)代詞they指代第三人稱的復(fù)數(shù)名詞。例:

  Passage: Most Americans still get married at some point in their lives, but even that group, is shrinking. Among current generations of adults – starting with those born in the 1920s – more than 90 percent have married or will marry at some point in their lives. However, based on recent patterns of marriage and mortality, demographers calculate that a growing share of the younger generation is postponing marriage for so long that an unprecedented number will never marry at all. Data on cohabitation and unmarried childbearing suggests that marriage is becoming less relevant to Americans. 2.8 million of the nation’s households are unmarried couples, and one-third of them are caring for children , according to the Census Bureau.

  The word them in the passage refers to

  ○ younger generations

  ○ data

  ○ Americans

  ○ unmarried couples

  解題:首先根據(jù)題干我們可以看出此題中考查的是人稱代詞them的指代內(nèi)容,them為復(fù)數(shù)人稱代詞,而選項(xiàng)中在原文出現(xiàn)的單詞data為單數(shù),根據(jù)數(shù)格一致的原則,我們可以直接排除data;然后在文中定位到陰影them所在句子,根據(jù)上下文內(nèi)容,我們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)指代內(nèi)容在代詞之前出現(xiàn),而且與代詞在同一個(gè)句子中,unmarried couples可以初步定為答案;把unmarried couples放回原文檢查,語法正確并且符合語義和邏輯,因此可以確定正確答案為unmarried couples。







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