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來源:網絡來源 2009-08-29 22:28:30

[標簽:教師 英語]

  101. It’s getting chilly(hot, cool,warm).天要變得寒冷(炎熱,冷爽,溫暖)。

  102. According to the weather report(forecast),it’s going to rain(snow, clear).根據天氣預報,天要下雨(下雪,放晴)。

  103. Are you going to take your umbrella to the concert.你要拿雨傘去音樂會嗎?

  104. you’d better take your raincoat with you ,it looks like rain.你最好拿著雨衣,天要下雨。

  105. The weather changed suddenly, many of us caught cold.天氣突變,一些人感冒了。

  106. It’s said that you were ill yesterday , is it true ?據說你昨天病了,真的嗎?

  107. Let me feel your forehead.讓我摸摸你的額頭。

  108. How are you feeling now?現在你怎么樣?

  109. It doesn’t matter (amount to) very much.沒什么大不了的。

  110. Does your classroom have central heating?你們教室有暖氣嗎?

  111. You’d better boil some vinegar.你們最好熬一些醋

  112. Get well soon.祝你盡快康復。

  113. I have used up all of the chalk, would you fetch.some more from the office?粉筆用完了,你到辦公室拿回一些來,可以嗎?

  114. Please pass (bring) me the red chalk.請給我拿來紅色粉筆。

  115. I’ve used up my ink(toothpaste,paper).我的墨水(牙膏,紙張)用完了。

  116. We’re all out of money.我們的錢用完了。

  117. A dictionary is of great use to students learning a foreign language對于學外語的學生,字典是很有用處的。

  118. Will you please fetch me my dictionary?能給我拿過我的詞典嗎?

  119. You’re welcome to use my dictionary.你當然可以用我的詞典。

  120. Some of you look like sleepy now,they seem to be tired.有些人顯得很疲勞,好象挺累了。

  121. You’re allowed to have some drink in the evening.class 晚上上課時,大家可以喝水。

  122. During the class, I notice some of you looks sleepy。我注意到有些同學課上精神不振。

  123. I don’t think you had a good rest yesterday。 我想你可能是昨天沒有休息好。

  124. Now you are allowed to take a three-miunte catnap.現在你可以休息三分鐘。

  125. And then,all of you must be in good (high) spirits.。然后,大家都要振作精神。

  126. This class will be over in a moment, now let’s take a nap(break ,catnap).本課時將近結束,大家可以休息一會兒。

  127. But you know(should understand), this doesn’t mean that you can take a rest in class freely.但是你得明白,這不是說你可以上課時隨便休息。

  128. Could I have your attention?請注意了。

  129. Don’t fidget sth(about).不要搞小動作。

  130. Please give the main idea(meaning) of each paragraph.請給出這段的主要意思。

  131. What strikes you most in the lesson?這節(jié)課給你印象最深的是什么?

  132. We’ll look at some difficult points in this text.我們要看一下這篇課文的難點。

  133. I’ll give you some homework to do, everyone of you must do it well,ok?我給大家布置一些作業(yè),大家能夠盡力做好嗎?

  134. Do you like the pop music? Whose music do you like?你喜歡流行音樂嗎?喜歡誰的音樂?

  135. Now let’s enjoy the tape of a famous popular singer Miss Tianzhen.現在欣賞一下在大歌星田震的磁帶。

  136. You needn’t erase the backboard after class.課下你不必擦黑板。

  137. It’s impolite to mutter to one another in class.上課交頭接耳不禮貌。

  138. Some day next week, some leaders and teachers will attend (be here to see) our Chinese class, we’d better make preparations for it.下周,一些領導和老師要來聽課,我們還是略做一點準備。

  139. Excuse me, from yesterday on, sth has been wrong with my throat.請原諒,從昨天起,我的咽喉痛得很厲害。

  140. Now I can’t say anything in this class.這節(jié)課,我?guī)缀跏裁匆膊荒苤v。

  141. I’ll write two study tasks on the blackboard.我在黑板上給大家寫上兩個學習任務。

  142. I hope you can do it well by yourselves.我希望大家能自己做好。

  143. You may discuss (have a discussion about sth) in groups(with you classmates,in pairs).你也可以分組討論。

  144. And you may look through the new article-----Lesson Ten.你可以瀏覽新課----第十課。

  145. Please read the notes to the text in class again.你可以課堂上再看看注釋。

  146. Let’s read the exercise of the text, look at exercise .No.2.看看課文的練習,第二題。

  147. We have two Chinese classes this afternoon, let’s practise writing a composition.今天下午有兩節(jié)語文課,我們練習一篇作文。

  148. We’ll put down(stop, won’t practise)the oral composition this period.這節(jié)課我們不做口頭作文。

  149. There’re several titles of the composition on the blackboard,黑板上有好幾個作文題目。

  150. Write a composition of about 200 words on one of these subjects(titles).就其中一個題目,寫一篇200字的作文。







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