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來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)來源 2009-08-29 22:27:35

[標(biāo)簽:教師 英語]


  251. I have no idea.我不知道。

  252. I don’t have a clue.我一點(diǎn)線索也不知道。

  253. Don’t look at me .你不用看我,我全然不知內(nèi)情。

  254. You needn’t say anything about others.你不用再說別人什么。

  255. What else(any more)?還有什么?

  256. You’re too much.你太過分了。

  257. I’m looking forward to seeing all of you again soon我熱望著很快能夠再見到你們每個(gè)人。

  258. In the past,we used to have a rest on Saturday and Sunday.過去,我們都是在周六和周日休息。

  259. Since we’re in the senior school(our high school).自從我們上了高中。

  260. According to our study demand and the arrangement of our school .根據(jù)我們的學(xué)習(xí)需要和學(xué)校安排。

  261. We gotta(have got to) have extra lessons during the holiday.我們?cè)谶@些假日里也要補(bǔ)課。

  262. Everyone must obey the school rules(disciplines)大家一定要遵守學(xué)校規(guī)定。

  263. You must learn words from the context.你得結(jié)合語言環(huán)境來學(xué)習(xí)字詞。

  264. And you may guess the meaning of this from the context.并且從上下文里推測(cè)它的意思。

  265. What does the word do in(by) the context?結(jié)合上下文,如何理解這個(gè)詞?

  266. How to say it in your own words?用你自己的話怎么說?

  267. Be bold to speak up,don’t be afraid of making mistakes!大膽講話,別怕出錯(cuò)!

  268. How do you think of the article?你怎么理解本文?

  269. Write it neatly!書寫要工整!

  270. Can you say these briefly?你能簡(jiǎn)要地講一下嗎?

  271. Don’t omit a single detail.不要漏掉任何細(xì)節(jié)。

  272. Don’t feel shy, you must learn to speak in public.不要害羞,要學(xué)會(huì)當(dāng)眾講話。

  273. You’ll have to stop talking in two minutes.兩分鐘內(nèi)停止講話。

  274. I shall tell you sth about the writer’s life.我給大家講一些作者的生活情況。

  275. First of all, let’s preview the text in class for some minutes.首先,我們就這篇課文課堂預(yù)習(xí)一會(huì)兒。

  276. What’s the main idea(topic) of this essay.這篇短文的主題是什么?

  277. At the end of the class, we’ll invite someone to sum up the lesson.本課結(jié)束之時(shí),我們要請(qǐng)同學(xué)總結(jié)本課內(nèi)容。

  278. You must learn how to use dictionary and reference-books.你們要學(xué)會(huì)使用詞典和工具書。

  279. What part of speech is it?這是什么詞類?

  280. I’m looking bad.不好意思。

  281. What happened to you yesterday?你昨天怎么啦?

  282. You wouldn’t look like a manic.你不該顯得如此不明事理。

  283. Get it over, let’s change the subject.別吵了,換個(gè)話題吧。

  284. I beg your parden,please.請(qǐng)?jiān)僦v一遍,可以嗎?

  285. What are you trying to tell me ?你到底想給我說什么?

  286. Get to the point(cut the chase.).有話直說。

  287. Don’t leave out the verb in the sentence?句子中不能省略這個(gè)動(dòng)詞。

  288. Let’s analyse these attributive clauses now.下面一齊看看這些定語從句。

  289. Are you ready to answer my question?你準(zhǔn)備好回答我的問題了嗎?

  290. How do you think of the second adverbial clause?你怎么理解第二個(gè)狀語從句?

  291. I’m giving you the answer tomorrow.明天我給大家有關(guān)答案。

  292. You did it.你說得對(duì)。

  293. You’re absolutely right(you said it).你的意見很對(duì)。

  294. You ought to know the new table of work and rest by heart first .你應(yīng)該先記牢新的作息表。

  295. The spring sports meeting will be held on April 25 to 27.四月25到27日召開春季運(yùn)動(dòng)會(huì)。

  296. Is this seat taken(is it all right to join you)?可以坐下嗎?

  297. No, go right ahead.恐怕不行,已經(jīng)有人在這了。

  298. Sure,have a seat(sit down, please).請(qǐng)坐吧。

  299. I’ve just heard about his accident.我剛聽到他的一些情況。

  300. I didn’t expect to run into you here.沒想到在這兒碰到你們








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