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來源:網(wǎng)絡資源 2009-08-10 11:00:14

[標簽:閱讀 閱讀材料]



  China's former volleyball star Lang Ping has been invited to coach the US women's national team for the Beijing 2008 Olympics. But China's sports media said the offer would be difficult to accept.

  Lang, who is presently coaching a club team in Italy's professional volleyball league, told sina.com that she was considering the offer by the US Volleyball Association.

  "Right now I'm still considering their offer but I will answer them soon,"Lang said. "If I don't take the job, I have to give them enough time to find someone else."

  Lang, 45,won Olympic gold in 1984. She later coached the Chinese women to silver at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics and the 1998 World Championships.

  She has also coached at New Mexico University in the United States where her daughter was born and lives.

  The reaction in the Chinese media to Lang's job offer was swift and strong. Many say that if she takes the job it would be a direct challenge to China's goal of winning the women's volleyball medal at the Beijing Games.

  "As an unusual player and a spiritual leader of Chinese volleyball, Lang Ping's influence over China far exceeds(超越)that of an ordinary player,"says the China Olympic Committee website.

  "If Lang stands with the opponents(對手)during women's volleyball matches, you can rest assured that this will be difficult to accept for the new Chinese players, difficult for coach Chen Zhonghe, who was once her assistant, and difficult for all Chinese watching on television,"the site continued.(AGENCIES Feb 9,2005)

  56. According to this passage, Lang Ping is ______ at present.

  A. a volleyball player                  B. a club coach

  C. an unusual player                    D. an assistant

  57. Form the text, we can learn ______.

  A. Lang Ping has accepted the offer

  B. Chen Zhonghe has got into trouble

  C. all of the Chinese media support Lang Ping

  D. Lang Ping is thinking the US offer over

  58. According to the text, if Lang Ping stands with the opponents during women's volleyball matches, who will most probably have trouble?

  A. The Chinese audience.              B. Our women's volleyball team.

  C. Beijing 2008 Olympics.             D. Chinese former players.

  59. When reporting the news, the author seemed to be a little ______.

  A. angry          B. surprised        C. shocked         D. worried






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