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首頁 > 高中頻道 > 各地新聞動態(tài) > 高考英語語法——省略句


2008-04-07 10:19:23新浪高考




  當一個句子中有兩個或更多相同的詞、短語出現(xiàn)時,其中的第一個須保留,其余的往往省略,以達到避免重復、使句子簡練的目的。高考中尤其要注意的情況是:當時間狀語從句、地點狀語從句、方式狀語從句、讓步狀語從句、條件狀語從句等狀語從句中的主語與主句的主語一致并含有be時,往往將該狀語從句中的主語和be一同省略。例如: He hurt himself while (he was) playing basketball.他在打籃球時受了傷。// He works very hard though (he is) still rather weak.他雖然身體還很虛弱,但他非常努力地工作。


  有些成分的省略是出于語法上的原因——使表述更為簡明,例如: He got up at six (o’clock).他六點鐘起床。// He is twelve (years old).他十二歲。// I walked (for) ten miles.我走了十英里路。


  有些省略句的情況是出于習慣用法,尤其是在口語中。例如,在問句中be常常省略,有時連主語一起省略: Very easy?很簡單嗎?// Feeling unwell?感覺不舒服嗎?

  又如以what, how或why開頭的某些問句: What (happened) next?下面要發(fā)生什么?// Why not?為什么不?// Why so?為什么這樣?


 。劭碱}1] He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. (2007北京)

  A. any B. some C. few D. many

 。鄞鸢福 C

 。劢馕觯菹聞澗處之前的but決定了只能選擇具有否定含義的選項C。題干中的“few good ones”為省略句形式,單獨看起來不好理解,應聯(lián)系上文理解為“He has made few good films.”

 。劭碱}2] ____ and I’ll get the work finished. (2006重慶)

  A. Have one more hour B. One more hour

  C. Given one more hour D. If I have one more hour

  [答案] B

 。劢馕觯荼硎緯r間的名詞one more hour在這里相當于祈使句“Give me one more hour.”,與and后面的陳述句并列,表示時間的名詞經?梢砸詥为毘霈F(xiàn)的省略形式表示一個祈使句的含義。

 。劭碱}3] After he became conscious, he remembered ____ and ____ on the head with a rod. (2006江西)

  A. to attack; hit B. to be attacked; to be hit

  C. attacking; be hit D. having been attacked; hit

 。鄞鸢福 D

 。劢馕觯荼硎舅逍阎蠡貞浧疬^去發(fā)生的情況,應選用動名詞的形式而不是不定式的形式,先排除選項A和B;由于主語是被襲擊,應表示出被動語態(tài),進一步排除C而選出D。D選項中的hit前省略了與其并列的賓語當中相同的“having been”。

 。劭碱}4] The police found that the house ____ and a lot of things ____.(1990)

  A. has broken into; has been stolen

  B. had broken into; had been stolen

  C. has been broken into; stolen

  D. had been broken into; stolen

 。鄞鸢福 D

 。劢馕觯 主句謂語動詞found后有兩個并列的賓語從句, 兩個賓語從句中的主語the house和a lot of things都是物, 兩個賓語從句中的謂語動詞都應采用過去完成時的被動語態(tài)形式來表示在警方發(fā)現(xiàn)之前已經完成的被動動作, 四個選項中前半部分采用了過去完成時的被動語態(tài)形式的只有選項D, 因此應選D。本題第二個下劃線處采用了stolen的形式, 這屬于為避免重復而省略的形式, 省略了與前一賓語從句相同的成分had been。

 。劭碱}5] One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and ____. (2000北京、安徽春)

  A. the other is white B. another white

  C. the other white D. another is white

 。鄞鸢福 C

  [解析]特指木板的另一側應使用定冠詞the,因此首先要排除表示泛指意義的選項B和D;又因為A選項不能表示出與前面分句一致的被動動作,因此選C。本題下劃線處采用了the other white的形式,這屬于為避免重復而使用的省略句,其完整形式為“the other side of the board should be painted white”。

  [考題6] The research is so designed that once ____ nothing can be done to change it. (2002)

  A. begins B. having begun C. beginning D. begun

 。鄞鸢福 D

 。劢馕觯 once后省略了it(指前面剛被提及的the research) is,下劃線表示一個“(研究)被開始,被啟動”的被動動作,應該采用過去分詞的形式,因此本題選D。注意:本題題干中省略的it(the research) is是順承上文而自然進行的省略,被省略后仍可以很清楚地把握它的意思,而且使得整個句子更為簡練。

 。劭碱}7] He speaks English well indeed, but of course not ____ a native speaker. (2004上海)

  A. as fluent as B. more fluent than

  C. so fluently as D. much fluently than

 。鄞鸢福 C

 。劢馕觯 but在本題中作并列連詞連接兩個分句, 后一分句屬于省略句, 為了避免重復而省略了主句中的主語he和比較狀語從句中的謂語speaks English, 由此可以看出題干中是在對he和a native speaker說英語的熟練程度進行比較。說英語的熟練程度應選用副詞fluently, 所以首先排除選項A、 B; much fluently than中than前面沒有出現(xiàn)fluently的比較級的形式, 應進一步排除選項D而選出C。

 。劭碱}8] No matter how frequently ____, the works of Beethoven still attract people all over the world. (2006廣東)

  A. performed B. performing

  C. to be performed D. being performed

 。鄞鸢福 A

 。劢馕觯蓊}干中讓步狀語從句的原型為no matter how frequently they are performed(無論這些作品是如何經常地被表演),其中的they are可以省略。

 。劭碱}9] The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ____ every day. (2007四川)

  A. watered B. watering C. water D. to water

  [答案] A

 。劢馕觯輻l件狀語從句的主語是被省略掉的與主句主語相同的the flowers,由于下劃線要表示“(花)被澆水”的被動動作,因此只能選表示被動動作的選項A, watered之前可以加上被省略的they are。


  1. — Are there any English story books for us students in the library?

  — There are only a few, ____.

  A. if any B. if there C. if some D. if has

  2. — Would you like to go with us?

  — Yes, ____.

  A. I’d B. I’d like C. I’d like to D. I’d like to do

  3. — Would you like to have a try once again?

  — ____.

  A. Yes, I like B. No, I don’t like it

  C. Yes, I want very much D. Yes, I’d like to

  4. — What do you think made Mary so upset?

  — ____ her bicycle.

  A. As she lost B. Lost

  C. Losing D. Because of losing

  5. — When did they get down to the job?

  — ____.

  A. Until they left B. Till they arrived

  C. Since they finished it D. Not until they turned to me

  6. — Are you angry?

  — Yes. He should at least answer when ____.

  A. speaking B. spoken to C. spoken D. speaking to


  1. A 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. B

[標簽:語法 高考 英語]






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